Watching the 1987 ITV adaptation of #ALittlePrincess, and I like to think the whole experience turned her into a communist.
“Your hands are born open, and so is your heart; and though there may be times when your hands are empty, your heart is always full, and you can give things out of that—help and comfort and laughter—and sometimes that is the best help of all.”
- Frances Hodgson Burnett, A Little Princess ⭐ ❄️ 🎄
#FrancesHodgsonBurnett #ALittlePrincess #ChildrensClassics #ClassicBooks #LiteraryClassics #MoncreiffePress #LiteraryQuotes #BookQuotes #BookCommunity #Bookish #Bookstodon
#FrancesHodgsonBurnett #alittleprincess #childrensclassics #ClassicBooks #literaryclassics #moncreiffepress #literaryquotes #bookquotes #bookcommunity #bookish #bookstodon
#LOTR The Two Towers
#TheCabinetOfDrCaligari (1920)
#Elvira Mistress of the Dark
#Suspiria (1977)
#PrideandPrejudice (1995)
#Jumong 😂
movies and shows I've struggled to cut off the list
#CharliesAngels 2000
A bunch of period dramas basically (esp Jane Austen ones)
#wellingtonparanormal #queenofthedamned #charliesangels #Pleasantville #flipped #jumong #thehauntinghour #Creepshow #whatwedointheshadows #theadventuresofmerlin #PrideAndPrejudice #spaced #7showstoknowme #alittleprincess #suspiria #elvira #panslabyrinth #shaolinsoccer #thecabinetofdrcaligari #lotr #7filmstoknowme
#LOTR The Two Towers
#TheCabinetOfDrCaligari (1920)
#Elvira Mistress of the Dark
#Suspiria (1977)
#Pride&Prejudice (1995)
#Jumong 😂
movies and shows I've struggled to cut off the list
#CharliesAngels 2000
a bunch of period dramas basically (esp Jane Austen ones!!)
#wellingtonparanormal #queenofthedamned #charliesangels #Pleasantville #flipped #jumong #thehauntinghour #Creepshow #whatwedointheshadows #theadventuresofmerlin #pride #spaced #7showstoknowme #alittleprincess #suspiria #elvira #panslabyrinth #shaolinsoccer #thecabinetofdrcaligari #lotr #7filmstoknowme
A few interests by way of #introduction on here:
#writing #darkacademia #dirtcore #gothic #shirleyjackson #amwriting #cottagecore #RosemarySutcliff #horrormovies #amreading #rosemarysbaby #theexorcist #historicalfiction #GothicFiction #autism #queer #queerlit #queerstories #Victoriana #Victorianera #nonbinary #enby #ninthhouse #gilmoregirls #community #sixseasonsandamovie #frogs #possums #racoons #merlin #thevvitch #alittleprincess #annewithane #buffythevampireslayer #aliens
#introduction #writing #DarkAcademia #dirtcore #gothic #ShirleyJackson #amwriting #cottagecore #RosemarySutcliff #HorrorMovies #amreading #rosemarysbaby #theexorcist #historicalfiction #GothicFiction #autism #queer #queerlit #queerstories #Victoriana #Victorianera #nonbinary #enby #ninthhouse #gilmoregirls #community #sixseasonsandamovie #frogs #possums #racoons #merlin #thevvitch #alittleprincess #annewithane #buffythevampireslayer #aliens