Stephen Matheson🌵🌲 · @sfmatheson
694 followers · 616 posts · Server

What I learned about me when I started reading novels again

My gateway drug was *The Ten Thousand Doors of January* by Alix Harrow. I loved it, then I wondered why, then I figured it out.

#WhatImReading #LockedTomb #alixeharrow #fantasy #reading #atheism #blaugust2023

Last updated 1 year ago · @knizer
204 followers · 1053 posts · Server
Jill Minor · @jillrhudy
479 followers · 1896 posts · Server

Alix E. Harrow's back with a nod to her roots! STARLING HOUSE is Kentucky southern Gothic, flipped Harrow-style, with a gutsy, indomitable heroine and unexpected ending. October 31, 2023 from Tor/Macmillan. @ewgc @bookstodon

#alixeharrow #alixharrow #kentucky #southerngothic #starlinghouse #ewgc #bookstodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Luna Station Quarterly · @lunastation
1070 followers · 8755 posts · Server

Review: A Spindle Splintered, by Alix E. Harrow

Two of my favorite books of the past few years were written by Alix E. Harrow, so when I saw that she had a novella out, I put in a request at my library without even checking what it was about. Imagine my elation when I discovered that A Spin


#NoteworthyNovellas #uncategorized #novellareview #aspindlesplintered #alixeharrow #bookreview #disabilityinfiction

Last updated 3 years ago

Luna Station Quarterly · @lunastation
1070 followers · 8755 posts · Server

Review: A Spindle Splintered, by Alix E. Harrow

Two of my favorite books of the past few years were written by Alix E. Harrow, so when I saw that she had a novella out, I put in a request at my library without even checking what it was about. Imagine my elation when I discovered that A


#NoteworthyNovellas #uncategorized #novellareview #aspindlesplintered #alixeharrow #bookreview #disabilityinfiction

Last updated 3 years ago