Sterling Ericsson · @sterlingericsson
123 followers · 117 posts · Server

We know about (and have been using) oil-eating microbes for a while now. But figuring out how exactly this biochemical breakdown works is key to expanding usage into more and broader options.

Scientists at the Brookhaven National Lab have identified the structure of the enzymatic reaction that breaks the carbon-hydrogen bond of alkanes found as major constituents in petroleum products.

#biochemistry #oil #alkanes #Enzymes #bioengineering #Science #scicomm

Last updated 2 years ago

Bibiana Prinoth · @bibianaprinoth
594 followers · 568 posts · Server

On Earth, EVERY single cell has lipids that protects the inside of the cell. So they are universal biomarkers as we know them. Pablo cares about the tails of the : the / .

Some of these have been found on Mars!

Lipids are geostable and biomarkers.

#phospholipids #hydrocarbons #alkanes

Last updated 2 years ago

Das · @SRDas
247 followers · 990 posts · Server

With can do things in not the typical order. I may be biased but imo teaching earlier would make it more fun and engaging.
Haven't done this in a while (year+) so especially for Kid2 (8th gr) this is somewhat new but comes (back) fast.
Fun puzzle to draw out all the structural of - say upto C6H14
(remember CnH2n+2)

Kid1 (11th gr I guess) wanted to do more and on to

#alkenes #alkanes #isomers #chemistry #organic #homeschooling

Last updated 2 years ago