63 years ago:
The Die Is Cast (SE)
Original title: Tärningen är kastad
A member of a highly successful crime drama series is found murdered in a television studio. The screenwriter of the TV-series is found as prime suspect but claims his innocence and tries to clear his name. But who is the murderer and what is his motive?
#TheDieIsCast #AllanEdwall #ClassicFilm #SvenskFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#thedieiscast #allanedwall #classicfilm #svenskfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
63 years ago:
The Virgin Spring (SE)
Original title: Jungfrukällan
Devout Christians Töre and Märeta send their only daughter, the virginal Karin, and their foster daughter, the unrepentant Ingeri, to deliver candles to a distant church. On their way through the woods, the girls encounter a group of savage goat herders who brutally rape and murder Karin as Ingeri r...
#TheVirginSpring #IngmarBergman #MaxvonSydow #GunnelLindblom #AllanEdwall
#thevirginspring #ingmarbergman #maxvonsydow #gunnellindblom #allanedwall