"#Fireworks #Colorful #Explosion #Trail" A #abstract #image that I took the #photograph I took of this image and #digitally #painted in extra #details in the array of #colors. #AllArtMatters #ArtMatters #MastoArt #fediart #FediGiftShop Available here: https://sandi-oreilly.pixels.com/featured/fireworks-colorful-explosion-trail-sandi-oreilly.html and see more to get on #prints and #products here: https://sandi-oreilly.pixels.com/
#products #prints #fedigiftshop #fediart #MastoArt #artmatters #allartmatters #colors #details #painted #digitally #photograph #image #abstract #trail #explosion #colorful #fireworks
Have a "Magnolia Flower Abstract Digital Painting" touched with gold leaf paint. The photograph of the magnolia was a perfect flower, but really like how this one turned out and the colors.
#magnolia #flower #abstract #digitalpainting #goldleaf #trim #wallart #homedecor #decorating #colorful #unique #AYearForArt #ArtMatters #AllArtMatters #MastoArt #fediart #FediGiftShop Available here:https://sandi-oreilly.pixels.com/featured/magnolia-flower-abstract-digital-painting-sandi-oreilly.html See more here:https://sandi-oreilly.pixels.com/
#fedigiftshop #fediart #MastoArt #allartmatters #artmatters #ayearforart #unique #colorful #decorating #homedecor #wallart #trim #goldleaf #digitalpainting #abstract #flower #magnolia
"Water Lily Pond Flowers Black and White" Lily pond with beautiful blooms, dragonflies and fish, frogs and sit for a while and relax.
#lilypond #lilies "blooms #flowers #pond #water #fish #frogs #relaxation #peaceful #BlackAndWhite #AYearForArt #AllArtMatters #ArtMatters #decor #artwork #MastoArt #FediGiftShop Available here:https://pixels.com/featured/water-lily-pond-flowers-black-and-white-sandi-oreilly.html See more here:https://pixels.com/profiles/sandi-oreilly
#fedigiftshop #MastoArt #artwork #decor #artmatters #allartmatters #ayearforart #BlackAndWhite #peaceful #relaxation #frogs #fish #water #pond #flowers #lilies #lilypond
"Horse Pen Creek Bridge" A vintage metal and wood bridge that is part of a trail for hiking. It has snowed but starting to melt. This is an important bridge to us built so we can get to other trails.
#bridge #vintage #horsepen #winter #snow #trail #hiking #wooden #metal #AYearForArt #ArtMatters #AllArtMatters #MastoArt #fediart #art #decor #FediGiftShop
Available here:https://pixels.com/featured/horse-pen-creek-bridge-sandi-oreilly.html See more here:https://pixels.com/profiles/sandi-oreilly
#fedigiftshop #decor #art #fediart #MastoArt #allartmatters #artmatters #ayearforart #metal #wooden #hiking #trail #snow #winter #horsepen #vintage #bridge
"The Best Gift French Bulldog Puppy" It's Christmas and the French Bulldog Puppy will be a surprise for the family from their Dad. I #scenario of #thoughtfulness #love that #Christmas #brings to those that #celebrate the #season. This is for #everyone #french #bulldog #dog #canine #puppy #gifts #fun #joy #AYearForArt #ArtMatters #AllArtMatters #MastoArt #fediart #FediGiftShop
#fedigiftshop #fediart #MastoArt #allartmatters #artmatters #ayearforart #joy #fun #gifts #puppy #canine #dog #bulldog #french #everyone #season #celebrate #brings #christmas #love #thoughtfulness #scenario
"Horses At The Stream" is a winter scene of two horses from a farm drinking from a stream surrounded by snow, trees at sunrise. #horses #equine #animals #stream #water #winter #snow #trees #sunrise #reflection #AYearForArt #AllArtMatters #MastoArt #fediart #FediGiftShop Available here: https://sandi-oreilly.pixels.com/featured/horses-at-the-winter-stream-sandi-oreilly.html See more here: https://sandi-oreilly.pixels.com/
#fedigiftshop #fediart #MastoArt #allartmatters #ayearforart #reflection #sunrise #trees #snow #winter #water #stream #animals #equine #horses
"An Early Walk Through The Woods At Sunrise" Inspired by a hike in the mountains at sunrise and digitally painted this moment.
#walk #hike #woods #sunrise #oldtree #bushes #sunrise #relaxing #painting #digitalpainting #AYearForArt #AllArtMatters #ArtMatters #fediart #MastoArt #FediGiftShop Get here:https://sandi-oreilly.pixels.com/featured/early-mornting-walk-through-the-woods-at-sunrise-sandi-oreilly.html See more here: https://sandi-oreilly.pixels.com/
#fedigiftshop #MastoArt #fediart #artmatters #allartmatters #ayearforart #digitalpainting #painting #relaxing #bushes #oldtree #sunrise #woods #hike #walk
My family from Colorado is skiing out there now and every year . They send me pictures and this was one a few years ago that I got and digitally painted, added lots of touches to enhance the excitement of the skier going down hill in the snow!
"Downhill Skier Digital Painting" #skier #downhill #slope #hill #skis #snow #snowing #poles #digitalpainting #ArtMatters #AYearForArt #AllArtMatters #fediart #FediGiftShop
See here: https://sandi-oreilly.pixels.com/featured/downhill-skier-digital-painting-sandi-oreilly.html Browse more here: https://sandi-oreilly.pixels.com/
#fedigiftshop #fediart #allartmatters #ayearforart #artmatters #digitalpainting #poles #snowing #snow #skis #hill #slope #downhill #skier
This is a "Maine Coon Cat" I have digitally painted. She is such a sweetie and resides as the mascot for our local small plane airport near us. She is smart, will stay off the runway, and plane noise does not bother her!! #caturday #mainecoon #cat #feline #animal #AllArtMatters #MastoArt #FediArt #FediGiftShop See larger here: https://sandi-oreilly.pixels.com/featured/maine-coon-cat-portrait-sandi-oreilly.html
#fedigiftshop #fediart #MastoArt #allartmatters #animal #feline #cat #mainecoon #caturday
From our Blue Ridge Mountains, this is Wildcat Falls Bridge a photograph taken at the below the falls, which is a very steep hike down the side trail. #AllArtMatters #AYearForArt #GiftThemArt #waterfalls #bridge #mountains #hike #FediArt #FediGiftShop #MastoArt
#MastoArt #fedigiftshop #fediart #hike #mountains #bridge #waterfalls #GiftthemArt #ayearforart #allartmatters