Kayleen Gnwmythr · @KayleenGnwmythr
258 followers · 3521 posts · Server aus.social

Claims that, or reports suggesting that, those attending the transhate event in Melbourne were surprised by the attendance of nazis or that the nazis gatecrashed the event (e.g., thenewdaily.com.au/news/2023/0) have to be treated with considerable scepticism and may be disingenuous - the transhater was INFAMOUS for such fanatics attending her events in the UK, which was part of my request to the Minister in January to revoke that person's visa - see politicalmusingsofkayleen.blog. I've read articles suggesting that people with one form of bigotry will have others, so I don't know why anyone would be surprised by this - and this is a key part of thebigsmoke.com.au/2023/03/22/.
Here are a few other links: theconversation.com/why-bigotr, greatergood.berkeley.edu/artic, medium.com/age-of-awareness/bi.

#tranhate #transmisia #transgenocide #crocodiletears #allbigotsarelinked #allhatersarelinked

Last updated 2 years ago