My cat is the best cat in world. Just like every other cat #AllCatsAreBeautiful #cats
@glightly Great question! This is one of my go to I'm-bored-with-small-talk-at-a-party-I-don't-really-want-to-be-but-there's-one-person-willing-to-have-a-deeper-conversation questions.
For me, a whole bunch of things. I grew up in a mildly conservative family that encouraged formal education and personal reading, so I did a lot of both. And now there are probably fewer major issues that I haven't changed my mind on than those where I've retained the assumptions I had as an 18 year old.
- from mild climate denial to PhD in climate ethics and being arrested in multiple direct action blockades of coal mines
- from "abortion is murder" and "women are equal but different" to smash the (cishetero)partiarchy
- from hating cats to #AllCatsAreBeautiful (though keep actual felines inside; they are, as a rule, mass-murderers when allowed to roam freely, with a particular penchant for killing native creatures)
- from "my family is the most ordinary and boring family in the world" to "surprise, we're basically all ND!"
- from "meritocracy, #democracy and #capitalism are basically synonymous" to #CompostTheRich.
#allcatsarebeautiful #democracy #capitalism #CompostTheRich
jsme kolektiv tvořící zíny s radikálními tématy jako biocentrismus,
anarchofeminismus nebo zrušení práce (zatím, máme rozdělaných mnoho dalších kulišáren!)
myslíme si, že anarchistická literatura musí být anarchisticky i vyráběna.
proto ve všech možných ohledech experimentujeme, usilujeme o tvoření
bezpečného (kočko)prostoru a snažíme se překonat společenský důraz na produktivitu. (místo toho dáváme spink)
zíny distribuujeme bezpeněžně, open-sourceově a DIWO (do it with others [narozdíl od DIY {do it yourself (emoji kočka)}]).
chceme probouzet kreativní jiskru: snad ve vás zažehne oheň, který spálí všechny domácí úkoly a jinou neplacenou práci!
vajbuješ? stáhni si naše zíny na (kde taky najdeš návody na tisk)! napiš nám se zpětnou vazbou, náměty na další zín nebo i jen obrázkem kočky!
chtělx bys vytvořit vlastní zín (společně) nebo nějaké zíny vytisknout? naše dms jsou otevřené!
#ACAB #Zine #Zin #Distro
#acab #zine #zin #distro #allcatsarebeautiful #everyrapistisacopwithoutabadge #kazdynasilnikjefizlbezodznaku #jinysvetjemozny #kulisarny #spink
My longtime friend @spirochristoff sat down with me on a park bench this past winter, both of us bundled in coats and scarves, to chat about anarchism. It wasn’t all that cold outside. Still, it was March in Montreal—meaning there is often a long way to go before one reaches the possibility of warmth, (re)emergence, and blossoming.
Perhaps it was the perfect time for a conversation—or rather, interview for Stefan’s Free City Radio show—about trying anarchism for life, because we often have a long way to go, too, as warm-hearted rebels before the possibilities we offer up against this icy-cold social order start to (re)emerge and blossom.
Now Stefan’s labors have flowered into episode 169 of Free City Radio, recently broadcast on five stations in so-called Canada, and I’m delighted to share the link with you, if you feel so moved to listen.
Ostensibly, the show was supposed to revolve around my latest book, #TryAnarchismForLife (@tangled_wilderness, with joyous cover design by @eff_charm using a circle A by @landonsheely). Yet one of the many things I appreciate about Stefan, who has been and remains anarchistically awesome for years, is that he curates all sorts of imaginative cultural spaces, leaping off the predictable (in this case, a straightforward book interview) to weave artful alternatives and dreamy otherworlds.
Not that this short radio chat does all that. Nonetheless, I like to think that our real-life friendship shines through and our shared commitment to not merely the #ArtOfResistance but also conversing and organizing as of social relations matter. As if promise and possibility and care matter.
One can only do that, I think, if one hangs onto prefigurative politics, which brings us full circle to my book—made up of picture-prose that look at some of the many beautiful dimensions of anarchism.
Which circles us to one of the artists, @the_sabot_cats, who sent me these two photos of their circle A framed by their adorable graffiti!
#TryAnarchismForLife #ArtOfResistance #allcatsarebeautiful #thebeautyofourcircles
Je vais négligemment et sans aucun sous-entendu poser ça ici :
Suprême NTM – Qu’Est-Ce Qu’On Attend
#MastoRadio #FediRadio #PouetRadio #TootRadio #SoundCheck #TeamVieux #WeAreTheRadio #np #NowPlaying #SupremeNTM #NTM #QuEstCeQuOnAttend #ParisSousLesBombes #DorenavantLaRueNePardonnePlus #AllCatsAreBeautiful #1312
#mastoradio #fediradio #pouetradio #tootradio #soundcheck #teamvieux #wearetheradio #np #nowplaying #suprementm #ntm #questcequonattend #dorenavantlaruenepardonneplus #allcatsarebeautiful #parissouslesbombes
Greg Luzniak
#art #acab #allcatsarebeautiful #1312acab
#Art #acab #allcatsarebeautiful #1312acab
And motherfuckers lost their minds.
Rage Against The Machine – Bullet in the Head
#MastoRadio #FediRadio #PouetRadio #TootRadio #SoundCheck #TeamVieux #WeAreTheRadio #np #NowPlaying #RageAgainstTheMachine #BulletInTheHead #RATM #AllCatsAreBeautiful #1312
#mastoradio #fediradio #pouetradio #tootradio #soundcheck #teamvieux #wearetheradio #np #nowplaying #rageagainstthemachine #bulletinthehead #ratm #allcatsarebeautiful
@diritschka @autonomysolidarity genau und viel zu schade um die Reifen - sarkasmussoff
Keine bodycams an und wenn schon da steht man vermutet und prüft ob er wenden und in die Polizei rasen wollte, dann könnte das vermutlich eine der vielen - wir decken uns gegenseitig und sind fein raus Nummer werden- #allcatsarebeautiful
Small study suggests that cats can spread Covid to each other.
#covid #CovidIsNotOver #cats #pandemic #caturday #AllCatsAreBeautiful
#covid #CovidIsNotOver #cats #pandemic #caturday #allcatsarebeautiful
Once I am informed that the order is ready, I will announce the local pick-up day information. Those who needed items shipped, I will forward your tracking information at that time. Thanks again for the ongoing support, y’all are the best! 😻🖤😻 #acab #allcatsarebeautiful (2/2)
TODAY is the LAST DAY to place your order for an ACAB Cats tee or hoodie. This design will be retired after this run! Please message with any question and please follow this link to place your order. 😻🖤😻 #acab #allcatsarebeautiful