Thanks for the #AllCauseMortality increases, we got too many useless eaters.
/s “Here, we show there is no significant increase in #cardiac or #AllCauseMortality in the 12 weeks following #COVID19 #vaccination compared to more than 12 weeks after any dose. However, we find an increase in cardiac death in women after a first dose of non mRNA vaccines. A positive #SARSCoV2 test is associated with increased cardiac and all-cause mortality among people vaccinated or unvaccinated at time of testing.”
#cardiac #allcausemortality #COVID19 #vaccination #SarsCoV2
Erschreckende Daten: 12 bis 29jährige sterben nach COVID-19 “Impfung” 10 Mal häufiger als nach positivem PCR-Test [Neue Daten] #OfficeforNationalStatistics #AllcauseMortality #mRNA-Gentherapie #Pfizer/Biontech #Corona-Virus #Sterberisiko #SARS-COV-2 #Comirnaty #COVID-19 #Impfung #BNT162b #Moderna
#moderna #bnt162b #impfung #covid #comirnaty #sars #sterberisiko #corona #pfizer #mrna #allcausemortality #officefornationalstatistics
Sie haben mit ihren COVID-19 “Impfstoffen” vor allem die Alten umgebracht – ONS-Daten aus England liefern den definitiven Beleg #COVID-19Impfstoffe/Gentherapien #OfficeforNationalStatistics #AllcauseMortality #Übersterblichkeit #Corona-Virus #AstraZeneca #SARS-COV-2 #BionTech #COVID-19 #Impfung #Moderna #Pfiter
#pfiter #moderna #impfung #biontech #sars #astrazeneca #corona #ubersterblichkeit #allcausemortality #officefornationalstatistics #covid
Breaking: Daten aus England belegen einen eindeutigen Zusammenhang zwischen COVID-19 “Impfung” und Übersterblichkeit #OfficeforNationalStatistics #AllcauseMortality #Übersterblichkeit #Corona-Virus #Impfung
#impfung #corona #ubersterblichkeit #allcausemortality #officefornationalstatistics
New Study found that as a #proportion of #moderatephysicalactivity, engaging in 30% of #vigorousphysicalactivity was associated with the #lowest risk of incident #CVD and #allcausemortality. #CHINA.
#proportion #moderatephysicalactivity #vigorousphysicalactivity #lowest #CVD #allcausemortality #China
"New UK government data shows the COVID vaccines kill more people than they save
I've been asking everyone: Show me the all-cause mortality data proving the vaccines are safe. I finally got some data. It's from the UK government and it's devastating. REALLY devastating."
#allcausemortality #murder #conspiracy #democide