#WARNING: This #story #contains #graphic #images.
"There are calls for calm in the city of #Memphis, #Tennessee, after the release of a #video showing an #altercation which #resulted in the #death of #TyreNichols.
#Charges against the #five #police #officers were announced yesterday, ahead of the video's release. North #America correspondent Barbara Miller reports from #Washington."
#acab #AllCopsAreBastards #kkkops #kkkopsAndKlan #kkkop #fascism #statism #unitedstates #AllCopsLie #AllCopsAreBad #AllCopsAreRats #allcopsareevil #AllCopsAreRacist #AllCopsAreCowards #AllCopsAreKillers #AllCopsAreGroomers #allcopsarederekchauvin #humanrightsnow #humanrightslaw #humanrights #imperialism #policebastard #capitalism
#warning #story #contains #graphic #images #memphis #tennessee #Video #altercation #resulted #death #tyrenichols #charges #five #police #officers #america #washington #acab #AllCopsAreBastards #kkkops #kkkopsAndKlan #kkkop #fascism #statism #unitedstates #AllCopsLie #AllCopsAreBad #AllCopsAreRats #allcopsareevil #allcopsareracist #AllCopsAreCowards #AllCopsAreKillers #allcopsaregroomers #allcopsarederekchauvin #humanrightsnow #humanrightslaw #humanrights #imperialism #policebastard #capitalism
I need to back up a couple of weeks to this fuckery:
"The parents of a boy who lost a tooth and required several stitches to his lip after being bitten by a Winnipeg police dog say they're heartbroken to learn Manitoba's police watchdog decided not to investigate the matter — without ever talking to the family."
And if you guessed they were Black, oh yeah, you'd be right.
If you've known me for more than 5 seconds, you know how I feel about cops in schools. (Or pretty much anywhere, tbh.) But this. This is some nuclear level bullshit.
"Parents heartbroken child's injuries by Winnipeg police dog not deemed serious enough for IIU to investigate"
#FuckThePolice #KeepPoliceOutOfSchools #ACAB #AllCopsAreRacist
#fuckthepolice #keeppoliceoutofschools #acab #allcopsareracist