Jörg #PeopleNotProfit · @jorg
270 followers · 445 posts · Server climatejustice.social


Guterres is right.

But the biggest insanity is that humanity is letting this happen. Year after year of warnings go by without us reacting. These companies, backed by powerless externally controlled politicians, are harming us, our children and future generations.

We sit silently waiting. Waiting for someone else to prevent the catastrophe for us. We sit still while they rape our democracies and our livelihoods. Who wants to be the first to be so stupid as to put restrictions on the status quo? When we in the rich West are profiting so beautifully from our parasitic way of life?

Anyone who even occasionally consumes the news is aware that society has a serious problem. Passively waiting and ignoring the danger is an active choice.
Doing nothing is a supposedly easy choice. The easy way out in the short term? None of us has the power to change anything? So we just lie down and die? Give up without a fight?

But let me get this straight. We really want to knowingly just watch our children's livelihoods being taken away? We don't want to protect and care for each other and fight for a world worth living in? My friends, I don't get it.

We all have the power to change. Together we have all the power.

Now is the time to stick together and unite behind our common values.
Now is the time we want to leave selfishness and greed behind.
Now is the time for real change.
Now is the time to get serious.
Now is the time for survival.

All the letters have been written, all the petitions submitted, the conferences have ended, all the fears and concerns expressed. But the messages drip off like on a Teflon pan without a mark. Now is the time to get serious.

Take care of your loved ones. Take care of those who are fighting for survival and those who can't. Get serious!

#ClimateCrisis #biodiversitycrisis #allcrisis #justcollapse #localisation

Last updated 2 years ago

Climateemergency · @climateemergency
172 followers · 108 posts · Server mastodon.social

The rich will suffer the longest och loneliest.

#climatecrisis #biodiversitycrisis #allcrisis #collapse

Last updated 2 years ago