os anos passam, as passas murcham.
disseram que nesta década alguém habitará a #Lua.
#PinkFloyd #darksideofthemoon
para lá da sombra, somos apenas #humanos e #clones imperfeitos de alguém que existiu.
#bluemonday #mastowine #tagout #Artemis #orion #Nasa
And all that is now
And all that is gone
And all that's to come
And everything under the Sun is in tune
But the Sun is eclipsed by the Moon
(There is no dark side of the Moon, really)
(Matter of fact, it's all dark)
#alldark #lua #pinkfloyd #darksideofthemoon #humanos #clones #bluemonday #mastowine #tagout #artemis #orion #nasa