GregCocks · @GregCocks
580 followers · 520 posts · Server

Blow-Me-Down Brook, NH – An NHD Flowline Picked ‘Randomly’
-- <-- 1981 NPS guide
-- <-- USGS’s 3DHP home page
I am working on some hydroaddressing / network traversing technical approaches for 3DHP – and needed an example of a multisegment flowline in NHD-sourced dataset, and so ‘randomly’ got this one - Blow-Me-Down, NH, from WBD HUC4-0108.
Although we map so many flowlines (~20 million in the USA for NHD-sourced spatial data, estimated 10x that for the EDH data still to be determined across the USA), I like trying to understand what a flowline or waterbody ‘is’ to the people on the ground as much as I can...

#gis #spatial #mapping #networktraversing #3dhp #nhd #wbd #water #hydrology #usgs #USA #elevationderivedhydrography #3denabled #3dmapping #3dmodeling #3dep #elevation #opendata #nationally #waterresources #appliedscience #newhampshire #watermanagement #alldataisspatial #publicdata #edh

Last updated 1 year ago

GregCocks · @GregCocks
415 followers · 446 posts · Server

4 [Of Many] Careers In GIS [ / Spatial Data] With Great Job Outlooks
-- <-- shared article
[note that I am not associated with this university in any way, just thought that it was an informative article, as in some form]
[My personal take is that unless you want specifically to be ‘Spatial Super Hero’ then pick a professional field that you appreciate & interests you - and then use GIS / spatial data skills to support that with your gained knowledge. Note that this field will almost certainly change over your career and that is A-OK; I started out as an engineering geologist, still keep my license current, then environmental scientist including nuclear site cleanups, and now work in the area of spatial data for hydrology, and next is…]

#alldataisspatial #gis #spatial #mapping #gischat #gismapping #career #careeradvice #careeradvancement #careeracceleration #job #jobtraining #training #traininganddevelopment #spatialdata #spatialanalysis

Last updated 1 year ago

GregCocks · @GregCocks
256 followers · 341 posts · Server

30 [Often Purposefully] Terrible Maps That Are As Funny As They're Useless
-- <-- shared article
“OK, folks, you might want to keep your GPS on while scrolling through this one because we're heading into the land of 'Terrible Maps.'
It's a bumpy ride, full of wrong coordinates and not-very-helpful legends, however, the unexpected twists and turns are what make it so memorable.
This fun online project, dedicated to geographically incorrect entertainment, features such gems as 'The World According To Fish' and 'What Pedestrian [Signs] Look Like Across Europe.'
Even though its content might not get you from point A to point B, the pictures can, in fact, teach you something and put a smile on your face…”

#gis #spatial #mapping #cartography #examples #spatialdata #alldataisspatial #map #Maps #usecases #representation #mappymemes #badmaps #mappingfails #entertainment

Last updated 1 year ago

GregCocks · @GregCocks
252 followers · 337 posts · Server

40 Surprising Maps That Show A Completely Different Side To The World We Live In
-- <-- shared article
[All Data Is Spatial!]
“Who doesn't love a good map? I'd even say we'd get lost without one. They enrich our understanding of the world in a simple, visual way.
Maps teach us not only about the size and shapes of countries but also show many more interesting things, like earthquake locations and wealth distribution. The local status of gay marriage or car reliance. Pretty much everything we have data on!..”

#gis #spatial #mapping #cartography #examples #spatialdata #alldataisspatial #map #Maps #usecases #representation

Last updated 1 year ago

GregCocks · @GregCocks
217 followers · 280 posts · Server

33 New Or Updated Datasets On The Registry Of Open Data For Earth Day And More
-- <-- shared blog post
H/T Doug Newcomb
[a little late, but hey...]
[note that I have no affiliation with Amazon and this is not intended as a specific endorsement, just for information]

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

#gis #spatial #data #mapping #opendata #openaccess #amazon #aws #webservices #spatialdata #spatialanalysis #global #gischat #earthday #environmental #development #cloud #model #modeling #earthday2023 #earthdayeveryday #alldataisspatial

Last updated 2 years ago

GregCocks · @GregCocks
182 followers · 224 posts · Server

When your slightly mistyped 'topologically' and Grammarly thinks you meant 'theologically'; maybe it knows more than me re: spatial perfection?! 😇😉🙃

#gis #spatial #data #spatialdata #alldataisspatial #gischat #topology #dataquality

Last updated 2 years ago