#Pittsburgh / #AlleghenyCounty -- Join the public hearing on Monday September 18, 2023, to hear medical debt horror stories & learn how a National Improved #MedicareForAll #SinglePayer Healthcare system would end medical debt for good. Officials must support or lose re-election.
#pittsburgh #alleghenycounty #medicareforall #singlepayer
As a former #PollWorker, it is fascinating that #KingCounty #Seattle does their elections (or at least tomorrow’s primary?) 100% by mail-in ballots and ballot boxes. I was hoping to volunteer as a worker for some future election again - clearly it’ll have to be in another capacity!
Shout-out to #AlleghenyCounty + #Pittsburgh for helping me catch the civic-duty bug! I miss the old polling place where I worked several elections that was LITERALLY THE GARAGE OF A DUDE’S HOUSE.
#pollworker #kingcounty #seattle #alleghenycounty #pittsburgh
SO GRATEFUL that Pennsylvania (the PA Resource Council) has a service to dispose of household cleaning supplies. Because I bought waaaayyyy too many over the last 7 years and can't take them with me.
#PRC #PA #Pennsylvania #Pittsburgh #PGH #AlleghenyCounty #PAResourceCouncil #PennsylvaniaResourceCouncil #SWPA #sustainability
#prc #pa #pennsylvania #pittsburgh #pgh #alleghenycounty #paresourcecouncil #pennsylvaniaresourcecouncil #swpa #sustainability
#Politics #Pennsylvania #SpecialElections #AlleghenyCounty
Please boost this- Allegheny County, PA!
We have 3 Special Elections taking place on February 7th, 2023. These are to fill empty seats in the PA State House. The seats were formerly held by Dems, and are the seats that now have the Democratic Party in the minority in the PA State House (99-101).
We cannot assume these are "easy" wins. People need to get out and vote. This is important. 🗳️ https://www.alleghenycounty.us/elections/special-elections.aspx
#politics #pennsylvania #SpecialElections #alleghenycounty
Watch out, Allegheny County -- looks like you've got a real #DINO here:
Democratic County Council Candidate Joanna Doven Has Anti-Trans, Pro-Republican History
#JoannaDoven #AlleghenyCounty #Pennsylvania #trans #transphobia #racism
#dino #joannadoven #alleghenycounty #pennsylvania #trans #transphobia #racism