@georgetakei #AllegianceMusical is so wonderful! I still remember how powerful it was when you opened it here in San Diego at the Old Globe. I'm thrilled you're getting to bring it to the UK next.
I have a student working this semester on #TheyCalledUsEnemy. The story of the internment and how it affected families like yours must not be forgotten! #histodons
#allegiancemusical #theycalledusenemy #histodons
@georgetakei I’ve seen Allegiance and recommend it! Excellent and moving story, and the songs are so lovely. Gaman especially stuck with me (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EunqF5gfyMo).
#Allegiance #AllegianceMusical #Musicals #MusicalTheater #GeorgeTakei #LeaSalonga #Gaman
#allegiance #allegiancemusical #musicals #musicaltheater #GeorgeTakei #leasalonga #gaman
Actor and activist George Takei stars in the UK premiere of this groundbreaking Broadway musical that tells the story of love, family, and heroism in the face of a government’s fear and prejudice against its own people.
7 JANUARY – 8 APRIL 2023
13 Weeks Only!
#GeorgeTakei #AllegianceMusical #StarTrek #Sulu
#georgetakei #allegiancemusical #startrek #sulu