Lotta "YEAH" signs in the crowd for AEW shows lately. Must be Rob Zombie fans.
#AEWCollison #allelitewrestling #aew
#aew #allelitewrestling #aewcollison
#CoastalChampionship #Wrestling (#CCW) presents #CCWAlive #1.154: https://youtu.be/iQpAfSW103Y?si=NpGFNe0NXfX9nTcG
#AllEliteWrestling (#AEW) — #BeingTheElite #361: https://youtu.be/nesMg8g_aNo?si=k5TdC3QrgBKXYX2Z
#POSTWrestling Podcast — #WWERaw 9/4/23 Review | REWIND-A-RAW: https://www.youtube.com/live/deAwn_s_jpQ?si=dK6_GWxaivvyuVp9
#WrestlingInc Podcast - WINC Podcast (9.4.23) — #WWERaw Review, #CMPunk, More: https://www.youtube.com/live/vjm7wRxwrng?si=S8eTmTMdr26rkQnz
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#cmpunk #wrestlinginc #WWERaw #postwrestling #beingtheelite #aew #allelitewrestling #ccwalive #ccw #wrestling #coastalchampionship
#AllEliteWrestling (#AEW) presents #AEWAllOut 2023 PPV Event —
a. Non-U.S. vis #FITETV (not included with FITE+ subscription): https://www.fite.tv/watch/aew-all-out-2023/2pdf6/
b. U.S. Only via #BleacherReport: https://bleacherreport.com/post/aew-ppv-hero/fff56ddc-7e33-4aa2-bc03-8f3541f53e98
#AllEliteWrestling (#AEW) presents #AEWAllOut 2023 — Post Show Media Scrum | 9.3.2023, Chicago, IL: https://www.youtube.com/live/WjctCa9iXks?si=-ETXdNRXW2u1rwfo
#Wrestlenomics Radio — #CMPunk fired by #AEW ahead of #AEWAllOut: https://www.youtube.com/live/0z9HOP9tlj4?si=wGhcv6AbecQmW1EZ
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#cmpunk #wrestlenomics #bleacherreport #fitetv #AEWAllOut #aew #allelitewrestling
#AllEliteWrestling (#AEW) presents #AEWAllOut 2023 —
a. Media Call w/ #TonyKhan (audio only): https://youtu.be/blcMjYG9XrU?si=Yl2ggN4bg4YrzDu2
b. Countdown Show: https://youtu.be/dM7cb4L6CCs?si=cwjFt9h2QFAt4OxA
#AllEliteWrestling (#AEW) presents #AEWAllOut 2023 — #ZeroHour Pre-Show (FREE with Bonus Matches): https://www.youtube.com/live/uKcnIgVTMUM?si=DBFtdrkConWicSZ4
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#ZeroHour #tonykhan #AEWAllOut #aew #allelitewrestling
Watching/listening in order. Watch/listen at your convenience.
(Follow links to access media. Most videos are available via your favorite podcasting service!)
[App. running time: 18 hrs. 24 min(s).]
Podcasts/videos below
(Starting with #AllEliteWrestling (#AEW))
#AEWUnrestricted Podcast with #WillWashington and #AubreyEdwards — #AEWAllOut Chicago Preview: https://player.fm/series/aew-unrestricted-2761567/aew-all-out-chicago-preview
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#AEWAllOut #aubreyedwards #willwashington #aewunrestricted #aew #allelitewrestling
Pleasantly surprised by the lack of chanting for you-know-who tonight.
#AEWAllOut #allelitewrestling #aew
#aew #allelitewrestling #AEWAllOut
So if you haven't heard, #AEW just fired #CMPunk following an investigation into his altercation with #JackPerry and others last week at #AllIn
This is the highest profile firing in #ProWrestling #Wrestling in the past 20 years. #AllEliteWrestling
#aew #cmpunk #jackperry #allin #prowrestling #wrestling #allelitewrestling
The worst thing about CM Punk's firing is the good he could have accomplished, had he kept his shit together.
He seemed intent on taking a direct hand in moulding the style and content of Collision. For those of us who prefer traditional ring psychology over the post-modern approach of the Elite contingent, it was the best wrestling show on TV.
They had a chance to build two valid and distinct brands - a true and meaningful "brand split" under the AEW umbrella.
#CoastalChampionship #Wrestling (#CCW) presents —
a. #CCWConquerKissimmee 04 (10.14.22): https://youtu.be/-yTwCQoQDhk?si=CNgzwizudHmrwMoh
b. #CCWLongHalloween (11.12.22): https://youtu.be/a788yzGi4Ec?si=rTFXzX8Teaz20Im5
c. #CCWAlive #1.154: https://youtu.be/lLxbOeWptRU?si=RVxxFbG4Nk1vuklW
ST⭐️RDOM presents 5Star Grand Prix 8.26.2023 Nagoya on #StardomWorld #stardom (subscription required): https://www.stardom-world.com/set/5049
#AllEliteWrestling (#AEW) — #BeingTheElite #361: https://youtu.be/ZbDj7QDVagY?si=ihyQtoPmOeK_UySs
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#beingtheelite #aew #allelitewrestling #Stardom #StardomWorld #ccwalive #ccwlonghalloween #ccwconquerkissimmee #ccw #wrestling #coastalchampionship
And then this...
#AEW #AllIn #AEWAllIn #AllEliteWrestling #Wembley #WembleyStadium #JohnMoxley #MJF #AdamCole #chrisjericho #Sting #DarbyAllin #TheAcclaimed #BlackpoolCombatClub #kennyomega #willospreay #Saraya #Christian #samoajoe #cmpunk #ftr #youngbucks #Wrestling #prowrestling #wwe #orangecassidy #bestfriends
#bestfriends #orangecassidy #wwe #prowrestling #wrestling #youngbucks #FTR #cmpunk #samoajoe #christian #Saraya #willospreay #kennyomega #BlackpoolCombatClub #theacclaimed #DarbyAllin #sting #chrisjericho #adamcole #mjf #johnmoxley #WembleyStadium #wembley #allelitewrestling #aewallin #allin #aew
#AllEliteWrestling (#AEW) presents #AEWAllIn 2023 PPV Event —
a. Non-U.S. via #FITETV: https://www.fite.tv/watch/aew-all-in-2023/2pdhf/
b. U.S. via #BleacherReport: https://bleacherreport.com/post/aew-ppv-hero/29272a2d-8d03-49c2-b3d1-da1a13e069a5
#AllEliteWrestling (#AEW) presents #AEWAllIn 2023 Post Show Media Scrum | 8/27/23, London: https://www.youtube.com/live/2h0sQ0Lsq3U?si=M-B6g7yhzW4Yo89Q
#PublicEnemies #Wrestling Podcast — #AEWAllIn London Post Show: https://www.youtube.com/live/aXLDmrB-dns?si=z0PXV91ymV7naEnu
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#wrestling #publicenemies #bleacherreport #fitetv #aewallin #aew #allelitewrestling
#AllEliteWrestling (#AEW) presents #AEWAllIn 2023 —
a. #AEWAllIn Media Call w/ #TonyKhan (audio only): https://youtu.be/wanqZeDTwIc?si=hFt32JVRtzRUIlKo
b. Countdown to #AEWAllIn - London: https://youtu.be/MXMI9rkCRUo?si=X7d_uuvg4En2S_gC
#AllEliteWrestling (#AEW) presents #AEWAllIn 2023 #ZeroHour Pre-Show (FREE with Bonus Matches): https://www.youtube.com/live/GZIecSR4CkU?si=lD90uuOeCS7KTGDb
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#ZeroHour #tonykhan #aewallin #aew #allelitewrestling
Tony Khan desperately needs to snap up some of WWE'S production team STAT when the inevitable layoffs come.
#AEWAllInLondon #allelitewrestling #aew
#aew #allelitewrestling #aewallinlondon
As always, Toni Storm's coiffure is on fleek.
#AEWAllInLondon #allelitewrestling #aew
#aew #allelitewrestling #aewallinlondon
Tuned in to #AEWAllInLondon just in time to catch the shitty, sideshow-geek, garbage wrestling portion of the show. Have I mentioned that I hate Moxley?
#aew #allelitewrestling
#allelitewrestling #aew #aewallinlondon
"Unfortunately, that fun loving Daddy Ass can't make make it, but there's one man who can..."
#aewdynamite #allelitewrestling #aew
#aew #allelitewrestling #aewdynamite
#CoastalChampionship #Wrestling (#CCW) presents -
a. #CCWLuchaManiaIII (2.11.23): https://youtu.be/PdXIiAPpNPI
b. #CCWAlive #1.153: https://youtu.be/Sqpyy8XwllM
ST⭐️RDOM presents New Blood 10 - 8.18.2023 Shinagawa on #StardomWorld #stardom (subscription required): https://www.stardom-world.com/set/5029
#AllEliteWrestling (#AEW) -
a. Hey! (EW) 8.20.23 - You Don't Know #JackPerry: https://youtu.be/vCNoPmPOXv8
b. #BeingTheElite #361: https://youtu.be/x9OyD26k280
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#beingtheelite #jackperry #aew #allelitewrestling #Stardom #StardomWorld #ccwalive #ccwluchamaniaiii #ccw #wrestling #coastalchampionship
#NewJapan #ProWrestling (#NJPW) presents G1 Climax 33 (August 8, 2023 Kanagawa) #G1CLIMAX33 on #NJPWWorld (subscription required): https://njpwworld.com/p/s_00658_30_1
#CoastalChampionship #Wrestling (#CCW) presents #CCWAlive #1.151: https://youtu.be/FAbQBg6akl0
#AllEliteWrestling (#AEW) -
a. Hey! (EW) 8.6.23 - Are #SammyGuevara and #TayMelo Ready For The Baby?: https://youtu.be/tzWsgCv8e88
b. #BeingTheElite #359: https://youtu.be/SSx2chPSdYk
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#beingtheelite #taymelo #Sammyguevara #aew #allelitewrestling #ccwalive #ccw #wrestling #coastalchampionship #njpwworld #g1climax33 #njpw #prowrestling #newjapan
#AllEliteWrestling (#AEW) -
a. Hey! (EW) 7.30.23 - #ColtCabana Doesn't Want To Do This: https://youtu.be/rc930BLz01E
b. #BeingTheElite #358: https://youtu.be/arFcDAC-OmI
#AEWUnrestricted Podcast with #TonySchiavone and #AubreyEdwards - Interview with #MarkBriscoe: https://player.fm/series/aew-unrestricted-2761567/mark-briscoe
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#markbriscoe #aubreyedwards #tonyschiavone #aewunrestricted #beingtheelite #coltcabana #aew #allelitewrestling