ReverendRef · @reverendref
13 followers · 67 posts · Server

Took off, as all clergy do/should. It was a very good and . Attendance was decent for MT & GF, and disappointing for HS. But made up for it with 58 at our 6am Vigil and 170 at the 10:15 service.
I only found one bulletin typo over the whole weekend, and that had to do with enternal joys (or something like that).
Now we’re back at it. Just remember, Easter is 50 days long — party on, dudes!

#eastermonday #holyweek #triduum #easterday #episcopal #sjphagerstown #alleluia

Last updated 2 years ago

EasyEnglish Bible · @easyenglish_bible
63 followers · 54 posts · Server

Then the said to the women, ‘Do not be afraid. I know that you are looking for . The soldiers killed him on a . But he is not here. He has become again. That is what he said would happen.’
Matthew 28:5-6,

#angel #jesus #cross #alive #easyenglish #bible #easter #alleluia #heisrisen #christisrisen

Last updated 2 years ago

Rat (she/her) · @TheRatCantRead
248 followers · 320 posts · Server

I've been rewatching and , and I think the reason why I keep coming back to them is how much they make the viewer work to understand their meanings, yet the payoff for that work is so rewarding. Every time I rewatch them, I notice some new detail in the sets or costumes or lyrics that adds to the experience. So few movies today expect the audience to actively engage with the media that way, and sometimes that can be nice and needed.

But sometimes I just want to watch a truly weird, goth about rebellion and fables and sift through multiple levels of meaning while humming strange songs full of lyrics detailing creepy imagery.

Anyone know of any other similarly weird, indie musicals or movies I should look into?

#thedevilscarnival #alleluia #musical #morbid #morbidhumor #morbidmusicals #movies #entertainment #music #repothegeneticopera #zydrate #terrancezdunich #aesopsfables

Last updated 2 years ago

Sister Mary · @sistermary
6 followers · 25 posts · Server

A beautiful day to ! I say upon waking: praise God for this gift of a life! Sometimes I say to my kids: "Mama's still resting!" 😂 What do you say first thing in the morning? 🌞

#mastodon #alhamdulillah #morningthoughts #goodmorning #mustafadon #islam #love #alleluia

Last updated 2 years ago

cybergrunge c):o{ · @cybergrunge
178 followers · 399 posts · Server

Je coupais des patates, et j’ai senti comme une odeur de patates 🌟 🥔 :blobaww:


Last updated 2 years ago

happy ubunoob : frénétique utilisateur de Alt+Tab, enfin trouvé comment switcher entre fenêtres de la même appli Alt+"au dessus de tab"

Alt+Esc : switch entre toutes les fenêtres, comme ALt+Tab mais sans groupes quoi.

Pour tous, ajouter Shift pour aller dans l'autre sens.

#alleluia #ubuntu #tip

Last updated 5 years ago