So when you hear about children going hungry in the UK, the pouring of sewage into rivers and beaches, school, hospital and other public buildings collapsing due to lack of government spending, a collapsing NHS...
Remember the milestone of the US fomented coup in #Chile50, the #ChicagoBoys, Thatcher's admiration of Pinochet and Blair's admiration of Thatcher.
And then imagine if #Allende's #PopularUnity government had prevailed and we'd had the alternative model of how to run an economy.
#popularunity #allende #chicagoboys #chile50
Le Chili sous Allende - 2/4 La victoire de l’Unité Populaire et ses premiers mois
Le «#Chili sous #Allende» est un documentaire sonore réalisé pour le cinquantième anniversaire du #CoupdÉtat au Chili en 1973. Ce deuxième volet évoque la victoire et les premiers mois du gouvernement de l’Unité Populaire.
✏️ Par LaCarmagnole | En accès libre ›
“The Other 9/11”: Ariel Dorfman on 50th Anniversary of U.S.-Backed Coup in Chile That Ousted Allende
#news #UnitedStates #chile #allende #pinochet #socialism
#socialism #pinochet #allende #chile #unitedstates #news
On this day 50 years ago, nothing significant happened
#Wikipedia #Chile #Allende
“There are only two alternatives — the dictatorship of the proletariat or the military dictatorship”: Letter from the Cordones Industriales to President Salvador #Allende
"Few thoughts on democratic socialism – Introduction to a pamphlet on class struggle under Allende‘s government, Chile 1973"
The pamphlet, Popular Unity vs Class War (Chile 1970-73) is linked at the end of the introduction.
Excellent analysis of the rise and fall of Allende and it's relationship to class struggle in Chile at the time.
Paris se lembra dos 50 anos do golpe de estado no Chile.
Prefeitura de Paris (Hôtel de Ville),
11 de setembro de 2023
Foto de @Andreapalladino
#Allende #Chile
De bien beaux messages de la #TeamCazeneuveMacron rappelant que Allende était coincé entre l'extreme gauche et la droite.
Tout le monde est #Allende
Il fallait bien. Il aurait fallu.
Il faudra.
#allende #presente #11sept1973
Mon instance (Todon · eu ) à fait une icone pour #allende :allende:
#AllendeVive !
Sentire da #Allende "La historia es nuestra y la hacen los pueblos" ogni volta mi mette davvero brividi
Today it's 50 years ago that the Chilean democratic socialist Salvador #Allende died during a #coup led by the fascist #Pinochet, orchestrated by the #CIA.
To remember 50 years #September11 Todon.* created a Allende emoji. Enjoy and free to use for other servers of course.
#democraticsocialism #Socialism #Chile #september11 #cia #pinochet #coup #allende
Today it's 50 years ago that the Chilean democratic socialist Salvador #Allende died during a #coup led by the fascist #Pinochet, orchestrated by the #CIA.
To remember 50 years #September11 Todon.* created a Allende emoji. Enjoy and free to use for other servers of course.
#allende #coup #pinochet #cia #september11 #chile #socialism #democraticsocialism
„Der Sturz Salvador Allendes durch das chilenische Militär bewegte im September 1973 die Welt. Wenig bekannt war bislang die Rolle deutscher Nazis beim Staatsstreich und Aufbau des Unterdrückungsapparates. // Von Wilfried Huismann“
Vor 50 Jahren: Putsch in Chile - Pinochets deutsche Paten
#chile #11september1973 #allende
#TheOther911": #Ariel Dorfman on 50th Anniversary of U.S.-Backed Coup in #Chile That Ousted #Allende
#democracynow #theother911 #ariel #chile #allende
...Die Teilnahme Nerudas scheiterte an dessen Krebserkrankung,
die Aufführung in Nerudas Heimatland #Chile musste abgesagt werden,
weil dort am 11. September die gewählte #Regierung #Allende durch den #Militärputsch #Pinochets gestürzt wurde.
Der geplante Aufführungsort, das Estadio Nacional de Chile, wurde von den Militärs in ein KZ-artiges Gefangenenlager umgewandelt.
Neruda erlag am 23. September 1973 seiner Krankheit, nur 12 Tage nach dem #Putsch.
#chile #regierung #allende #militarputsch #Pinochets #putsch
When you need to destroy democrats and poets, you can't aim to be more than a piece of shit.
Le Chili sous Allende - 1/4 Le coup d’Etat du 11 septembre 1973
Le «#Chili sous #Allende» est un documentaire sonore réalisé pour le cinquantième anniversaire du #CoupdÉtat au Chili en 1973. Ce premier volet s’intéresse au #11Septembre1973, jour du coup d’État contre Allende et l’Unité Populaire.
✏️ Par LaCarmagnole | En accès libre ›
#chili #allende #coupdetat #11septembre1973