I'm trying a little test of Mastodon's reach, looking for #NorthernCalifornia people doing #agroforestry #AlleyCropping #silvopasture or #ForestGardening - I am especially interested to know how you're selling these products: direct/farmstand, distributor, or something else. Especially after watching https://youtu.be/M3B6oy1nz4A and seeing how badly farmers & ranchers are getting screwed, I don't want my money going to the "Big Four", while supporting #RegenerativeAgriculture
#northerncalifornia #agroforestry #alleycropping #silvopasture #forestgardening #regenerativeagriculture
The numbers on improvement in crop yields of both wheat and walnuts with #alleycropping don't seem to be online anywhere (yet?) and, if anything, other studies indicate the benefits of alley-cropping lay on improved resilience to drought and extreme weather such as under the unstable climate brought about by #ClimateChange, but no improvements in crop yield have been reported yet, as far as I know.