@sqrt2 the only winning move is not to use #Microsoft Products like #Windows!
#AllGAFAMsAreBad #AllGAFAMsAreEvil #PRISM #ITsec #InfoSec #OpSec #ComSec
#comsec #opsec #InfoSec #ITSec #prism #allgafamsareevil #allgafamsarebad #Windows #Microsoft
@Kurt @khaleesicodes #Apple gehts nur ums Geld - war schon immer so...
#allgafamsarebad #allgafamsaresnitches #allgafamsareevil #Apple
@riversidebryan the only winning move is to DROP & Block #NSAbook on sight!
And I mean their entire ASN...
#prism #allgafamsareevil #allgafamsarebad #NSAbook
@Tinu They are #PRISM collaborators and thus are #irredeemable - level of #evil!
#allgafamsareevil #allgafamsarebad #evil #irredeemable #prism
@sophteis @scatty_hannah you don't teach them #TechLiteracy by weaponizing #NSA #collaborator's #Stalkerware against them...
Unless them hating you is an intended consequence.
#allgafamsareevil #stalkerware #collaborator #NSA #techliteracy
@mjdxp That's not a valid excuse.
They chose to do that instead of leaving like Google did in regards to "P.R." China.
The cold hard truth is, #AllGAFAMsAreEvil & #AllGAFAMsAreSnitches ...
They never gave any shit about #HumanRights - period!
#HumanRights #allgafamsaresnitches #allgafamsareevil
@gerrymcgovern which corrupt f**k did allow the construction of such a wasteful datacenter?
There are options that ain't that lossy and there's an even better option:
Bannong #NSAbook for illegal Espionage as per #PRISM program.
#StasiBook is bad and #AllGAFAMsAreEvil!
#allgafamsareevil #stasibook #prism #NSAbook
@sindarina #NSAbook is evil and the only winning move is to universally boycott and refuse to use their services due to inacceptable Terms.
@sindarina WTF?
#Google literally - like all #GAFAMs - does an #EmbraceExtendExtinguish on #eMail, like #Microsoft does with #MAPI on #Exchange / #MicrosoftExchange & #Azure #hostedexchange
#allgafamsareevil #hostedexchange #azure #MicrosoftExchange #Exchange #mapi #Microsoft #Email #embraceextendextinguish #gafams #Google
@viel_zu_negativ ja, und #Wine hat das ganze inzwischen massivst verbessert.
Die einzigen Probleme gibt's mit Schrottware von z.B. Microsoft die bewusst darauf engineered wird damit diese nicht unter Wine läuft.
Und ja, die #Enshittification von #Windows ist real, sei's #Bloatware, #Adware, #Datenhehlerei oder #CensorBoot...
#AllGAFAMsAreEvil und das einzige was hilft ist Hersteller von Hard- und Software per Kauf (verweigerung) dazu zu zwingen, es zu unterstützen...
#allgafamsareevil #CensorBoot #Datenhehlerei #adware #bloatware #Windows #enshittification #Wine
@vagina_museum #AllGAFAMsAreEvil and it's sad to see that you got hit by them...
@katnjiapus also you named #NSAbook wrong.
Remember: All #PRISM members are #snitches and #AllGAFAMsAreEvil!
#allgafamsareevil #snitches #prism #NSAbook
M8, if you gonna tone police me, GTFO!
Just because everyone does it doesn't mean it's good.
And if #NSAbook does so for their #Govware - #backdorred messengers then it's obviously insecure af.
#AllGafamsAreEvil and #NotYourKeysNotYourControl applies for #Cryptography just as much as for #Cryptocurrencies.
#cryptocurrencies #cryptography #notyourkeysnotyourcontrol #allgafamsareevil #backdorred #govware #NSAbook
@lina that is the very intention, cuz #AllGafamsAreEvil and they won't stop unless they get forcibly disbanded through #ShermanAntitrustAct or similar #Antitrust laws OR they've consumed everything there is!
#GAFAMs are like the #Flood - they can only be stopped by starving them!
#flood #gafams #AntiTrust #shermanantitrustact #allgafamsareevil
@AmyZenunim and that is the problem!
#AllGafamsAreEvil & #AllGafamsAreBad, because #Google just pulls a #Microsoft here...
#Microsoft #Google #allgafamsarebad #allgafamsareevil
@TiffyBelle And if that's not reason enough to demand :fediverse: instances to sign the #FediPact and universally ban and defederate anything #NSAbook touches then IDK what else would be...
#AllGafamsAreEvil but espechally #Facebook aka. #Meta or however these #PRISM collaborators and #snitches call themselves!
#snitches #prism #Meta #Facebook #allgafamsareevil #NSAbook #fedipact
@stylinstainless same people would've also applied as snitches for the #Stasi...
#NSAbook #StasiBook #PRISM #AllGafamsAreEvil #AllGafamsAreBad
#allgafamsarebad #allgafamsareevil #prism #stasibook #NSAbook #stasi
@thunderbird It's an act of self- and mutual defense against #NSAbook which acts as #Stati 4.0 in #SurveillanceCapitalism.
As we now since at least #Snowden: #AllGafamsAreEvil!
#allgafamsareevil #Snowden #SurveillanceCapitalism #stati #NSAbook