I need to up my #allgrain game.
two mediocre batches in a row is just motivation.
The Mix n Mash batch is super pale.
I had a bit of Pilsen in with the pale ale malts and 500 g of Vienna and this looks clear as a hydrohomies piss.
The overnight mash got me a original gravity of 1.040 when the target was 1.048.
I think the issue stems from using a mash tun that doesn't give the mash exposure to all of the strike water.
I don't think I will try this again, the resulting stink from wet barley stuck on me all day yesterday.
I never have to brew any other style than old world lagers.
the flavor variations are massive with only a hand full of substitutions.
Stop me if you've heard this one.
Making a cold brew hop tea the night before brewday and adding that in with the pitch.
I like this idea way more than dry hopping.
I've been using this jar of frozen citra hops for like 3 years now.
Homebrewers can calm down about vacuum packing every little thing. #allgrain #homebrew
Yo yo, this is JoYo.
I live at @joyo@thejoyo.com but this is my other home.
Started #homebrew again after a 10 year hiatus now focusing on #Munich #allgrain SMASH with #Hallertau and #Pilsen.
I'm no hop head but I won't leave you hanging with anything less than 20 IBU.
#homebrew #munich #allgrain #hallertau #pilsen #introduction
Blog post about my plate chiller setup, as featured in the photos of my last brew day. #Brewing #Homebrewing #Homebrew #AllGrain
#brewing #homebrewing #homebrew #allgrain