Book Review All Hallows by Christopher Golden A perfect blend of nostalgia, realism and the supernatural.
This was my first 5 star read of the year. #bookreview #horrorfamily #halloweenhorror #allhallows #christophergolden
#bookreview #horrorfamily #halloweenhorror #allhallows #christophergolden
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Traditionally, winter begins mid-point btwn Autumn Equinox/Winter Solstice so we're right on schedule! #AutumnSpirits like #LapuMate (#Latvian Leaf Mother) have given way to #WinterSpirits like #SniegaMate (Snow Mother) and the #TimeOfSpirits- as with #Samhain and #AllHallows, the time when the barrier between living and dead thins, draws to a close. #animist #pagan #heathen
#heathen #pagan #animist #allhallows #samhain #timeofspirits #sniegamate #winterspirits #latvian #lapumate #autumnspirits