RT @HealthyWV@twitter.com
Anyone can donate - choose an org that addresses #Hunger or #FoodInsecurity and donate, then log your donation at http://hcwvshunger.org
Team #TheWholeEnchilada would love your support!
Let’s go #phdchat #phdvoice #AcademicTwitter #HigherEd #AlliedHealth https://twitter.com/hcwvshunger/status/1599154828676325376
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HealthyWV/status/1599168913266290688
#hunger #FoodInsecurity #thewholeenchilada #phdchat #phdvoice #academictwitter #highered #alliedhealth
Interested in connecting with speech pathologists and allied health professionals who are using inquiry-based / case-based learning in their local workplace clinical education / professional development programs. #AlliedHealth #AHP #SLP #SLT #education #Med #ClinicalEducation @slp_slt @slpfedi
#clinicaleducation #Med #education #slt #slp #ahp #alliedhealth
I am curious to know what other #AlliedHealth professions have requirements for #ClinicalSupervision? Ethical #Counsellors engage in regular reflective practice to maintain standards and accountability. In a way the supervision is a mirroring of the therapeutic relationship and I have found it has supported me to become better at my work. #MentalHealth #Counselling #Australia
#alliedhealth #clinicalsupervision #counsellors #mentalhealth #counselling #australia
Focus here on #SoTL
/ research in #HealthProfessionsEducation across #AlliedHealth but especially #OccupationalTherapy
Teaching and research in #simulation-based education
Student #Assessment nerd also interested in #FeedbackLiteracy
Value and encourage accessible practices (broadly speaking). Always learning.
#feedbackliteracy #assessment #simulation #occupationaltherapy #alliedhealth #healthprofessionseducation #sotl
What are some #AlliedHealth and medical Fediverse servers? ⁉️ asking for colleagues and broadening horizons. Please let me know!
Other interests #InformationLiteracy #InfoLit #Scholcomm #ResearchWaste #AlliedHealth #OneHealth #SocialDeterminantsOfHealth #SoTL #EvidenceSynthesis #SysRev #ScopingReviews #MappingReviews #EvidenceBasedMedicine #EvidenceBasedLIS #LIS #librarianship #librarian #library #OER #OpenPedagogy #openaccess #Zotero #LiaisonLibrarianship #PredatoryPublishing #Collaboration #collaborations #research #writing #scholarlywriting #sciencewriting #PeerReview #ConsumerHealth #ClinicalLibs
#informationliteracy #infolit #scholcomm #ResearchWaste #alliedhealth #OneHealth #SocialDeterminantsOfHealth #sotl #EvidenceSynthesis #SysRev #ScopingReviews #MappingReviews #EvidenceBasedMedicine #EvidenceBasedLIS #lis #librarianship #librarian #library #oer #OpenPedagogy #openaccess #zotero #LiaisonLibrarianship #PredatoryPublishing #collaboration #collaborations #research #writing #scholarlywriting #sciencewriting #PeerReview #ConsumerHealth #ClinicalLibs
#Academic loving #Research in #HealthProfessionsEducation
#Simulation #SIM & #WorkIntegratedLearning #WIL #Placements in #OccupationalTherapy & #AlliedHealth #weAHP
Projects on SIM #EducationalDesign, #SimulatedPatients, #StudentAssessment, #FeedbackLiteracy, #ClinicalReasoning + more. #Rasch and #Assessment nerd. Growing partnerships for #FirstNations #Indigenous SIM and #CulturalResponsiveness.
#Learner #Disabled #ChronicIllness
Struggles against #academia
#introduction #academic #research #healthprofessionseducation #simulation #sim #workintegratedlearning #wil #Placements #occupationaltherapy #alliedhealth #educationaldesign #simulatedpatients #studentassessment #feedbackliteracy #clinicalreasoning #rasch #firstnations #indigenous #learner #disabled #chronicillness #academia #weahp #assessment #culturalresponsiveness