Watch #AllInWithChrisHayes from last night and listen to guest #DavidPlouffe who was Sr Advisor to #PresidentObama and ran his re-election campaign for 2012. You'll feel a lot better about the so called "tie" between #PresidentBiden #TraitorTrump in several polls
You should be able to.get the segment on YouTube.
#allinwithchrishayes #davidplouffe #presidentobama #presidentbiden #traitortrump #polling #VoteBlue #bidenharris2024 #notasbadasyouthink
#AllInwithChrisHayes 17 August 2023
#NarcissisticSociopath #Twitler #LockHimUp #law
#Trump is obviously fomenting #violence against judges, prosecutors, etc
#allinwithchrishayes #narcissisticsociopath #twitler #lockhimup #law #trump #violence
Damn......#JenPsaki filling in for Chris Hayes tonight on #AllInWithChrisHayes ....she is effing GOOD!!!!!...I don't watch the Sunday shows but have to watch hers from now on on record.
#jenpsaki #allinwithchrishayes
#genderaffirmingcare #LGBTQIAplus
#DeSantis pushes child health care bans, fights with Disney in his ‘MAGA kingdom’
#genderaffirmingcare #lgbtqiaplus #desantis #ChrisHayes #allinwithchrishayes
1) #GOPieceOfShit #TheyreBadAtThis
2) Attacks on #genderaffirmingcare on #transyouth by a bullshitter claiming she's married to a transman 🏳️⚧️ but slagging off a gender centre, thereby stoking #antitrans panic
You've GOT to see this!
#GOPieceOfShit #theyrebadatthis #republicancongress #genderaffirmingcare #transyouth #antitrans #ChrisHayes #allinwithchrishayes
#GOPieceOfShit #TheyreBadAtThis
You've GOT to see this!
#GOPieceOfShit #theyrebadatthis #republicancongress #ChrisHayes #allinwithchrishayes
Yes, #Republicans have called for cuts to #SocialSecurity and #Medicare - Invidious
#republicans #socialsecurity #medicare #gopbarnyardanimals #sotu #allinwithchrishayes
I miss the #inners channel on Twitter, where viewers of Chris Hayes’ ALL IN tweeted. #allinwithchrishayes.