Shino Me · @ShinoMe
190 followers · 953 posts · Server

Asking about is like asking fishes about : being scared about breathing under water. Ducks are highfunctioning-birds and hummingbirds low-functioning.

Because they judge "functioning" by the ability to accept having the head under water. The longer, the more functioning.

Showing fear of drowing is a symptom, that can be reduced by exposing the bird to water again and again. The best way to (dis)solve the problem, is to "teach" the bird to be under water.

#allistic #autism #birdism

Last updated 1 year ago

Bill Taroli :neurodiversity: · @btaroli
242 followers · 1528 posts · Server

internet boys are annoying. Start chatting on app A. Ask to shift to app B. OK. Start chatting on app B. I fail to reply after a few minutes in app B, as i was in the restroom. Find several posts in app A asking where I am have I disappeared!?


Block in both aps, perma delete chat in app B for both parties. Stop being annoying.

#allistic #actuallyautistc

Last updated 1 year ago

Rabi'a Elizabeth · @rabia_elizabeth
196 followers · 1729 posts · Server

This sounds like culture to me...

"If it helps achieve a particular benefit such as unity of the Muslims, then it is argued that this is a worthy objective, which should take precedence over individual conviction. The argument presupposes that:

a) difference of opinion on a fiqh matter is harmful,

b) differences cannot be resolved by strength of evidence,

c) practical unity is more important than the truth.

This view is highly problematic, as it is actually a liberal secular criteria and has no basis in Islam. It stands in contradiction to the teachings of the Messenger of Allah (saw) and the practice of the Sahabah when the differed. It makes benefit the real criteria, even if past is sometimes used to narrow the range of options. It makes the ends a justification for the means.

It results in no longer struggling for the truth of what pleases Allah based upon His own words, but seeking compromise instead."

#allistic #fiqh #muslims

Last updated 1 year ago

Steven Saus [he/him] · @StevenSaus
453 followers · 8132 posts · Server

From 18 Apr: Just Because The World Wasn’t Built For You Doesn’t Mean You Have To Change - I believe in the inherent worth of human beings, regardless of someone’s social position or productive potential. -health -therapy

#neurospicy #neurodivergence #autism #allistic #aba #psychology #mental #education #diversity #discrimination

Last updated 2 years ago

Fedo ¶ · @fdrc_md
78 followers · 198 posts · Server

I just mean: people call people rude for just telling what they genuinely think, and of course this can appear so for us (allistic) at first bc we’re not used to, but at the same time the way we warp meanings just to act polite is often just exhausting to understand. Just tell me
“Please bring a lasagna”
“We’re coming to your house next time”
“I’m ok on splitting the check”
“Yes your lasagna sucks”

#allistic #autistic

Last updated 2 years ago

Bill Taroli :neurodiversity: · @btaroli
189 followers · 1939 posts · Server

@MindfulnessBelle @actuallyautistic 🤣🤣 I just disable the stream of consciousness filter until they get that anxious flight response look. Ah! My work is done here.

It reminds me of one of my favorite expressions. “If that thing I said scares you, just remember that my filter works.”

Or “Are you REALLY sure you want me to answer that?” Most only make this error once. If they do it again I don’t stop to ask.

I use these as aids. 🤣🤣

#actuallyautistic #allistic #training

Last updated 2 years ago

Graham Hutchinson · @ghutch
120 followers · 3345 posts · Server

12 things to know about allistics.

I love this description of "allistic spectrum disorder"

"It affects 99 out of 100 people in the UK. allistics are very different from one another, when you have met one allistic you have met one allistic. Everyone is an individual. No two people with the condition are the same.

" People with the disorder speak in code. They say one thing, but mean something completely different.

" Allistics may ask unnecessary questions that they don’t want an honest answer to. They might ask, “Do I look fat?” And they want you to answer ‘No’. Those of us who don’t suffer from the condition know that it’s pointless to ask a question if you’re not going to accept the truth but allistics struggle to understand this concept.

#autism #allistic

Last updated 2 years ago

Bill Taroli :neurodiversity: · @btaroli
173 followers · 1658 posts · Server

@danseurignoble I’m sorry, but I refuse that label. Compared to who? Ugh. Yes we folks do things differently but that never diminishes us. That’s accomplished by allistics that insist the world in theirs and only their perspective matters. !

You adult at whatever pace is relevant to and healthy for you. ❤️

#allistic #delay #neurodivergent #bullshit #actuallyaustistic #autisticaf

Last updated 2 years ago

⍼ Martin Hamilton ⍼ · @m
498 followers · 732 posts · Server
Shino Me · @ShinoMe
106 followers · 562 posts · Server

Als treffe ich regelmäßig auf so etwas.
Sobald das Wort fällt, glauben allistische (= nicht-autistisch) Menschen, limitieren, bewerten und formen zu können.

Es kommt nicht mehr darauf an, was wir sagen, sondern nur, dass wir wiederholen, was ein Allist gesagt hat. Egal wie gut unsere Argumente sind.

Ich bezeichne das als . Es wird ein Bild geschaffen, das kein Allist erreichen kann und daran werden wir gemessen und bewertet.

#actuallyautistic #autismus #allistic #bias

Last updated 2 years ago

Rabi'a Elizabeth · @rabia_elizabeth
113 followers · 808 posts · Server

As an woman I have inordinate fear of losing my very reliable cleaning person. Just heard back from her, and all's well for now, thank you God.

I can cook for myself without much ado, but I've always been bad at cleaning, and my poor cleaning jobs take me twice as long as they do an person. Good idea to farm out the work, for .


#actuallyautistic #allistic #SelfCare #activitiesofdailyliving #disability #autism

Last updated 2 years ago

Shino Me · @ShinoMe
92 followers · 499 posts · Server

You know that we are blamed to lack the ability to feel empathy. That people are so emphatic and a role model for us.

But, how is it possible that three male allistic adults SIT on a ten yera old autistic child crying "I can not breath!"? And more that five allistics look at this scene without helping a little autistic child?

Aren't we human beings to them?

Link and information below behind a content warning. Be careful.

#actuallyautistic #allistic

Last updated 2 years ago

Bill Taroli :neurodiversity: · @btaroli
121 followers · 1063 posts · Server
Bill Taroli :neurodiversity: · @btaroli
116 followers · 1025 posts · Server

@ashleyspencer @ReimanSaara @actuallyautistic The most important part of our finding each other is understanding our own and giving each other to BE and accepted, where the world demands and . We simply can’t do that in all ways at all times, and it drains us to for them. We need , comfortable, spaces outside that world.

#diversity #space #different #allistic #conformity #compliance #mask #safe #Accepting #intolerant #actuallyautistic

Last updated 2 years ago

Autism Memes ∞ · @aspiememes
401 followers · 1181 posts · Server

"Allistic" is a term that is sometimes used to describe people who are not on the autism spectrum. It is derived from the word "allos," which means "other" or "different." Some people in the autistic community use the term "allistic" to highlight the differences between neurotypical ways of thinking and being and autistic ways of thinking and being.

#neurodiversity #autism #allistic

Last updated 2 years ago

Bill Taroli :neurodiversity: · @btaroli
103 followers · 937 posts · Server

@shaun Wait. So people, including people, are the next group to be targeted for by types? Won’t they first have to ensure everyone is assessed? And won’t that expose the NT fallacy?

#neurodivergent #actuallyautistic #extrrmination #normal #allistic #neurotypical

Last updated 2 years ago

masukomi · @masukomi
184 followers · 2303 posts · Server

entry number 1

still hasn't fixed this BS of encouraging employers to make logically impossible claims.

I've come to realize this is just bullshit and what it really means is "open to" not "only"

This continues to not be hard people. Say what you mean, not what you ... assume people will misread in the way you hoped.

#weworkremotely #allistic

Last updated 2 years ago

masukomi · @masukomi
170 followers · 2117 posts · Server

I've sent a support email about this, but as I did so I started to think that maybe the Job posters aren't misinterpreting the UI. MAYBE they are using it correctly, but the people who created the UI are just and don't understand that they're encouraging posters to make impossible claims on their posts. I see so many like this that are "X only" for a whole series of mutually incompatible places. This job can't possibly be for Americas only AND Europe Only.

#allistic #actuallyautistic

Last updated 2 years ago

Ollibobs1 · @Ollibobs
10 followers · 135 posts · Server

I know gatekeeping is bad and all but seeing people try and “paint the experience” angers me beyond words. I came across a video like that recently on YouTube shorts and I was livid when I found out he was allistic. Even worse when I saw how the comment section was treating the people who were upset by it. The video used the puzzle piece symbol and his description of autism was far too simple, especially how he described the spectrum.

#allistic #autistic #actuallyautistic

Last updated 2 years ago

Moto · @cmdrmoto
143 followers · 393 posts · Server

@redsage these sorts of exercises - ugh. Fucking sadistic games. Deriving from a misery-inducing normativity.


Last updated 2 years ago