Coho · @Coho
277 followers · 1897 posts · Server

The plant community in my local watershed has evolved together for a million years, then some pot growing, ingnorant, do gooders, decided to weed whack along miles of dirt rd, not clean out the weed whacker heads, spreading five very invasive alien species brought from commercial pot farms elsewhere. Breaking my back the last few weeks trying to save rare intact ca native meadow ecosystem from crashing. Plant extinction can happen in front of your eyes, very quickly. Was thrilled to find a showy new native, while pulling invasives. The lovely allium unifolium, wild one leaf onion. Lasthenia in full bloom too

#alliumunifolium #lasthenia #canativeplants #invasivespecies

Last updated 1 year ago

Coho · @Coho
53 followers · 268 posts · Server

The plant community in my local watershed has evolved together for a million years, then some ignorant pot growing, do gooders, decided to weed whack along miles of dirt rd, not clean out the weed whacker heads, spreading five very invasive alien species brought from commercial pot farms elsewhere. Breaking my back the last few weeks trying to save rare intact ca native meadow ecosystem from crashing. Plant extinction can happen in front if your eyes very quickly. Was thrilled to find a showy new native, while pulling invasives. The lovely allium unifolium, wild one leaf onion. Lasthenia in full bloom too

#alliumunifolium #lasthenia #canativeplants #invasivespecies

Last updated 1 year ago