Not an exciting or picturesque photo, but I found myself in need of some hard graft today to shake off winter blues. So I emptied one compost bin and turned the other. I will reward myself with a long soak in the bath.
Good morning. A late start today as I was kept awake by serenading foxes. Today I will be sowing my second batch of sweetpeas. No garden should be without them.
#alloments #gardening #sweetpeas #underthefloralspell
Last year I grew parsnips for the first time. Proof that the can be grown using no dig on clay soil. I dip a 3 inch hole, fill with compost and sow 3 seeds per hole. Water with a Korean natural LAB (more about that later). Once the seedlings are a few inches tall, thin to one. I lift them early in the season to avoid too much soil disturbance and before they become so big I'm in danger of putting my back out. How successful have your parsnips been this year?