Het nummer zit in de nieuwste aflevering van #TheLastOfUs. Hier praten ze erover in een #Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/episode/01bVkURPuD75UvEmOEaX9s?si=4SWQZQiiR76RNLkN7weQwA&t=420 #PearlJam #AllOrNone
#allornone #PearlJam #Podcast #thelastofus
RT @PenPath1@twitter.com
Here in this open space Jowzjan province, Faizabad Dist in such cold weather these elders have not gathered to receive any support or handouts they are here to ask for girls schools and universities. #PenPathGirlsEduCampaign #PenPathJowzjan #LetAfghanWomenLearn #AllOrNone
#penpathgirlseducampaign #penpathjowzjan #letafghanwomenlearn #allornone
RT @PenPath1@twitter.com
We tell people constantly not to lose hope and instead of complaining they should come together and work hard for their rights, we should not be scared, unite and ask for girls right to education and work #PenPathGirlsEduCampaign #LetHerLearn #AllOrNone
#penpathgirlseducampaign #letherlearn #allornone
RT @PenPath1@twitter.com
We should work hard and face our challenges, threats without any fear in order to build a better society. We should unite and raise our voice for girls education
#penpathgirlseducampaign #allornone #یاټول_یانه #یاهمه_یاهیچکس #LetAfghanGirlsLearn #letafghanwomenlearn
RT @VisitAFG@twitter.com
Education is the fundamental right!
#allornone #letherlearn #LetAfghanGirlsLearn #letafghanwomenwork
Depuis août 2021, la lutte des femmes pour le droit à l,'éducation et au travail n'a pas cessé un seul instant en Afghanistan.
Aujourd'hui la diaspora en exil organise partout dans le monde une journée de mobilisation coordonnée le 14 janvier.
A Paris, avec Urgence Afghanes et Enfants d'Afghanistan et d‘Ailleurs , nous vous invitons à marcher aussi , un bout de chemin vers l'égalité, ensemble.
Hey Alito, you can't claim that it's within the rights of some to discriminate against a group of people and who aren't in your cis/white/hetero/Christian group then be appalled when they are discriminated against in the same manner. It either applies to all, or it applies to none.
It cuts both ways.
#supremecourt #alito #fascist #theocratic # law #legal #discrimination #lgbtqia #allornone
#supremecourt #alito #discrimination #lgbtqia #allornone #fascist #theocratic #legal
What about the "dreamers" who don't graduate or go on to a prestigious school? They matter as much as those who do. #erasure #AllOrNone