Ich glaube, das ist jetzt genau der richtige Content zum Ausklang des Abends. #allornothing #GERJAP
„Keine Menschrechte, keine Demokratie, kein Bier!“
Bela Rethy ist wohl Kassierer Fanboy, denn er weiß: Das Schlimmste ist, wenn das Bier alle ist.
"Baby Don't Forget My Number" is a song by German dance-pop group #MilliVanilli. The track was released in December 1988 as the second single from their debut album, #AllOrNothing (1988), as well as its American counterpart, #GirlYouKnowItsTrue (1989). It became the first of their three number-one hits on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart in 1989, earning a gold certification from the #RecordingIndustryAssociationOfAmerica (RIAA). Worldwide.
#millivanilli #allornothing #girlyouknowitstrue #recordingindustryassociationofamerica
Quand je repense à @PhilFoden@twitter.activitypub.actor en 2018 dans le documentaire #AllOrNothing: Manchester City...
C'était évident qu'il deviendrait un grand joueur et un grand buteur.
J'adore ce mec.
How do I teach myself to be satisfied with completing a chore without adding a but at the end? Nothing is ever enough for me.
“Yeah I did the dishes but look at the rest of the kitchen.”
“Yeah I did the kitchen but look at the dining room.”
It never ends, I’d need to solve homelessness to feel like I’ve done enough.
I need to be able to zoom in. Just see the thing I’m working on and be happy when it’s done but it feels impossible. #perfectionism #allornothing #neverenough
#perfectionism #allornothing #neverenough
If I were the Scottish First Minister with a massive majority I would now dissolve the Scottish Parliament, issue redundancy notices to all Scottish government employees, immediately return all devolved powers to Westminster. #AllOrNothing #IndyRef2
The approach the SNP should now take, in my view, is to dissolve the Scottish Parliament, issue redundancy notices to all Scottish government employees and immediately return all devolved powers to Westminster. #AllOrNothing #IndyRef2