Does every allotment site have at least 1 grumpy person, who arrives once a week to empty an entire bottle of weedkiller onto their plot, spends 5 minutes watering the very small patch of veg that's survived the weedkiller drift, is rude to everyone on the WhatsApp group, and burns plastic on the bonfire? ๐คจ
Tip: If your rhubarb starts a flowering stem cut it off. Let the plant focus on yummy stems or, especially at this time of year, building a strong root system for an excellent crop next year. #allotmentlife #vegetablegarden #homestead #urbanfarming #growyourownfood
#allotmentlife #vegetablegarden #homestead #urbanfarming #growyourownfood
As you sow your seeds, take a photo of the packet and add it as a Note to your plants in VegPlotter. So that you can refer back to it later if needed. No need to keep the packet if it's empty! #vegetablegardening #allotmentlife #growyourownfood #gardenplan
#vegetablegardening #allotmentlife #growyourownfood #gardenplan
Some people have square vegetable beds. Some have rectangular, circular, or some just go completely irregular with their beds. Our #vegetablegarden and #allotment planner lets you plan with both. #gardenplan #allotmentlife #vegetablegardening #urbangardening #growyourownfood
#vegetablegarden #allotment #gardenplan #allotmentlife #vegetablegardening #urbangardening #growyourownfood
Not many people use it, but the Drag to Select tool is useful for selecting and moving many items in VegPlotter. You can also duplicate (copy & paste) multiply beds and structures to create a garden plan in a super quick time. #gardenplan #vegetablegardening #allotmentlife
#gardenplan #vegetablegardening #allotmentlife
With our vegetable garden and allotment planning app you can even plan out the plants in your #greenhouse, #hoophouse, #polytunnel or #coldframe. Just add beds to those items and add your plants. #vegetablegardening #squarefootgardening #allotmentlife #growyourownfood
#Greenhouse #hoophouse #polytunnel #coldframe #vegetablegardening #squarefootgardening #allotmentlife #growyourownfood
If you want to build some raised beds but don't have the budget then theses Rasied Bed ideas could help. #vegetablegardening #allotmentlife #growyourownfood #homesteading
#vegetablegardening #allotmentlife #growyourownfood #homesteading
Seed Sowing has started on the VegPlotter HQ garden. Our latest post gives tips for starting your seeds indoors.
#vegetablegardening #allotmentlife #growyourownfood #homesteading
#vegetablegardening #allotmentlife #growyourownfood #homesteading
As you sow your seeds, take a photo of the packet and add it as Note to your plants in VegPlotter to refer back to later. No need to keep the packet if empty! #vegetablegardening #allotmentlife #growyourownfood #gardenplan #urbangardening
#vegetablegardening #allotmentlife #growyourownfood #gardenplan #urbangardening
It's not just vegetables that you can include in your VegPlotter garden plans. You can add #chickens too! ๐ฅฐ๐ #vegetablegardening #allotmentlife #growyourownfood #homestead #urbanfarming
#chickens #vegetablegardening #allotmentlife #growyourownfood #homestead #urbanfarming
Our #allotment and #vegetable gardening planning software enables you to plan out beds and #gardens of any shape and size. Simply use the yellow handles to plan a garden of your dreams #gardenplan #allotmentlife #vegetablegardening #growyourownfood
#allotment #vegetable #gardens #gardenplan #allotmentlife #vegetablegardening #growyourownfood
New greenhouse is finally built! ๐ค Still have to connect the downpipe to the water but...but it's finally looking like greenhouse will be go in time for spring planting ๐ฅณ #AllotmentLife
Don't forget to take time to appreciate the beauty of your winter garden! Enjoy the quiet, peaceful landscape and look forward to the new growth that's just around the corner. #wintergarden #vegetablegarden #allotmentlife #growyourownfood #homesteading
#wintergarden #vegetablegarden #allotmentlife #growyourownfood #homesteading
Have you started chitting your potatoes yet? We're holding off a little longer but they'll be there very soon. #vegetablegarden #allotmentlife #growyourownfood #homesteading
#vegetablegarden #allotmentlife #growyourownfood #homesteading
If you wondering what you can do when its wet, how about cleaning your greenhouse or polytunnel, you can also start sowing seeds for early vegetables like lettuce, spinach, and radishes in there too. #vegetablegarden
#vegetablegarden #allotmentlife #growyourownfood #homesteading
With a VegPlotter Advanced account, you can create your own custom plants with your own custom planting schedules. #gardenplanning #vegetablegardening #allotmentlife #growyourownfood #homestead #urbanfarming
#gardenplanning #vegetablegardening #allotmentlife #growyourownfood #homestead #urbanfarming
Spring is slow to arrive here in central Scotland, but I have my first flower bulb trying to bloom, & the spinach I sowed under glass are sprouting! ๐ฑ๐ฑ๐ค #AllotmentLife
This month, focus on maintenance tasks like cleaning and sharpening your gardening tools, and repairing any garden structures that may have been damaged over the winter. #vegetablegarden #allotmentlife #growyourownfood #homesteading
#vegetablegarden #allotmentlife #growyourownfood #homesteading