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I am now listening to Deep Time / Complex System by Al Lover #AlLover
盧瀚霆Anson Lo情人節預留給神徒丨時裝品牌BOX SET今出貨丨神徒急不及待就地拆丨田木集作
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#MEWE香港娛樂 #touchwoodTV #田木集作 #情人節 #教主 #神徒 #allover #ansonlo盧瀚霆
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#MEWE香港娛樂 #娛壹 #OurFirstDate #allover #盧瀚霆 #ansonlo
Here are a few of my favourites;
https://kddandco.com/2022/11/04/fugitive-colour/ - an introductory essay about what “colour” means
https://kddandco.com/2022/11/11/chevreuls-simultaneous-contrast/ - a super interesting deep dive into how colours work together
https://kddandco.com/2022/11/09/terri-laura-talks-colour/ - includes a great technique on testing whether colours will work together in a fair isle motif
https://kddandco.com/2022/12/07/colour-at-the-woolbrokers/ - a behind the scenes look at the famous Jamieson & Smith
So I’m diving into #Fiberuary!
The first prompt is Colour, which immediately made me think of the Kate Davies club that’s currently running; #Allover. I joined because I love colourful, stranded knitting but am not at all confident in choosing colours myself, so hoped I would learn from this club - and I am!
The patterns are exclusive to the club until it ends in a few weeks, but there are many interesting and insightful essays on Kate's blog: https://kddandco.com/tag/allover/
估你唔到丨Anson Lo自家品牌揭秘 古巨基助鎮幕後團隊 教主親自設計心形地球宣揚愛 「#教主」#AnsonLo(#盧瀚霆)日前宣佈自家服裝牌名稱為「#ALLOVER」,1月27日正式開售,昨晚(25日),教主在其YouTube頻道上載「帶你去工作」短片,揭示ALLOVER籌備全過程,原來幕後團隊竟然有 #古巨基。基仔早於2009年已成立自己的設計公司,曾在尖沙咀和中環開設服裝店A Big Company(abc),近年abc轉型為網店。 影片開首,教主帶大家去開會,坦言好緊張,因為會見到貨品的實物,檢查品質是否良好,當他進入工作室介紹團隊時,鏡頭竟然出現基仔和太太Lorriane,教主說:「大家surprise,呢個就係我團隊所有人。」教主上前跟基仔擁抱,又叫古太望鏡頭,不過古太好怕醜,叫教主:「快啲食吓嘢啦!」教主笑:「佢真係好緊張,完全唔理我。」... 之後教主和基仔投入工作,仔細檢查冷衫、褲、牛仔褸等貨辦,教主又介紹品牌的獨有標誌襟章,「呢個章仔係我哋品牌嘅特式,我覺得係...
#教主 #ansonlo #盧瀚霆 #allover #古巨基
“It’s not about trend. It’s all about love.” Anson Lo個人品牌名稱揭盅:ALLOVER 1.27開售 自認「劇透撈」的 #AnsonLo #盧瀚霆 ,經過個多月在社交平台劇透(基於其劇透天性,他應該忍得幾辛苦),個人時裝品牌名稱在年初一(22日)晚9點公佈:#ALLOVER 。其社交平台介紹品牌是“defined by Anson Lo’s signature design, cover ready-to-wear, accessories and lifestyle products.”,1月27日開售。粉紅色應該少不得,fans擔心可能是夠唔夠貨。… 【專屬於我們的牛仔褸 】 年卅晚劇透撈已出動,社交平台post自己身穿ALLOVER白色衛衣,上面大大隻字寫住「ALLOVER」,他還預告:「一齊講定先~ 新年快樂♥️#年三十晚 #👀 」去年他拍攝shooting期間,又忍不住拍了一條劇透片,鏡頭pan下見到logo,但他用...
Total madness…I just couldn’t stop
Fineliner on paper
#fineliner #FinelinerArt #MastoArt #art #ink #pen #illustration #illustrator #illustratie #AllOver #birds #skulls #tekening #patterns #InspiredByNature #cells #details #bones #circles
#circles #bones #details #cells #inspiredbynature #patterns #tekening #skulls #birds #allover #illustratie #illustrator #illustration #pen #ink #art #MastoArt #FinelinerArt #fineliner
Well aren't these just lovely.
Very much liking the Debbie colourway, could be tempted by Beate depending on what else comes out of the club that could also be knit with the pack.
Monday AM meeting done, now for a tea and cookies break and the next #Allover pattern from KDD
Really interesting post on the KDD blog about a technique for choosing colours for fair isle knitting.
I tend to copy the sample colours exactly when knitting fair isle as I find choosing colours so hard, but this technique seems simple and helpful!
@Freyalyn me neither - I can still use Rav, but they thoroughly alienated me with their response to the whole thing so I barely log in any more in solidarity with those who can't.
So it would be nice to get #Allover happening here! I too love a KDD club, they’re always such nice books at the end too.
Is anyone else in the current #KDD club, #Allover?
I love today's pattern and I really like seeing it in so many example colourways. My favourite this week is Kate's, in the dark blue with pops of bright colour.
I rarely knit from these clubs while they're on (far too lazy) but I do enjoy the weekly releases in the dark half of the year, its a bright spot every time.
New releases: May 27, 2022
#mangowave #mangorotation
#BitchHawk #LasHistorias #FlamingJune #Oporto #blomst #PsychedelicMayhem #FurrowedBrow #allover #LAppelDuVide #Besvärjelsen #Cadaveria #Darkened #mangowave #mangorotation