APN Podcast: Should jobseekers get lower benefits if they don't know Finnish?This week the All Points North podcast explores the government's proposal to tie benefit levels to Finnish language skills. https://yle.fi/a/74-20046758?origin=rss #AllPointsNorth #ulkopolitiikka #yhteiskunta #politiikka #työelämä #kotimaa #talous
#allpointsnorth #ulkopolitiikka #yhteiskunta #politiikka #tyoelama #kotimaa #talous
APN Podcast: Does the Finnish school system support every child?As schoolchildren across the country settle back into classrooms after the long summer break, APN looks into the issue of inclusion in Finnish schools. https://yle.fi/a/74-20045730?origin=rss #AllPointsNorth #politiikka #koulutus #luonto #media
#allpointsnorth #politiikka #koulutus #luonto #media
APN Podcast: Finland's stormy summer of political scandalsThe All Points North podcast reviews a summer of political turbulence in Finland as a series of racism and far-right scandals rocked the newly-formed coalition government. https://yle.fi/a/74-20044700?origin=rss #AllPointsNorth #yhteiskunta #politiikka #luonto
#allpointsnorth #yhteiskunta #politiikka #luonto
APN Podcast: Foreigners protest as Finland turns rightThis week's special episode on the new government explores how the right-wing coalition will change Finland. https://yle.fi/a/74-20038111?origin=rss #AllPointsNorth #liiketoiminta #yhteiskunta #politiikka #työelämä #talous
#allpointsnorth #liiketoiminta #yhteiskunta #politiikka #tyoelama #talous
APN Podcast: Can summer be free and fun in Finland?In Finland park lunches are free for school-age children, but some are excluded because of the menu. https://yle.fi/a/74-20036893?origin=rss #AllPointsNorth
APN Podcast: Is it time for Finland to ban conversion therapy?This week APN opens up a citizens’ initiative at the heart of a second attempt to ban conversion therapy in Finland. https://yle.fi/a/74-20035856?origin=rss #AllPointsNorth #ulkopolitiikka #yhteiskunta #politiikka #ilmasto #kotimaa
#allpointsnorth #ulkopolitiikka #yhteiskunta #politiikka #ilmasto #kotimaa
APN Podcast: Immigration deals and incentive trapsIn this week's show we ask who won and who lost in the incoming government's deal on immigration. https://yle.fi/a/74-20034589?origin=rss #AllPointsNorth #kotimaa
APN Podcast: Dreaming of Finnish countryside life? Then swipe rightThis week's episode hears about an innovative attempt to reverse Finland's rural flight. APN also catches up on make-or-break government formation talks as well as the battle to save an iconic Helsinki skatepark. https://yle.fi/a/74-20033515?origin=rss #AllPointsNorth #yhteiskunta #politiikka #kulttuuri #luonto
#allpointsnorth #yhteiskunta #politiikka #kulttuuri #luonto
Heading up to Sheffield to take part in a cycling event called All Points North (APN). My ride starts Thu at 10am. I'm cap #APN23rider114 You can track everyone's progress at: http://www.allpointsnorth.cc/
The theory is easy, visit 10 checkpoints using your own route. Looking forward to starting, so I can leave my anxiety behind & enjoy the scenery. And yes... I did ask if I could have the Sheffield dialing code as my rider number!
#APN23rider114 #APN23 #allpointsnorth #rideupnorth #biketoot
#apn23rider114 #apn23 #allpointsnorth #rideupnorth #biketoot #audax
APN Podcast: Why is Finland so relaxed about kids using smartphones?A citizen's initiative is trying to get stricter rules banning smartphone usage during the school day. The APN podcast explores the issue. https://yle.fi/a/74-20029295?origin=rss #AllPointsNorth #älypuhelimet #koulutus #verotus #talous
#allpointsnorth #alypuhelimet #koulutus #verotus #talous
"This will decide your entire future" — English-speaking kids hampered by Finnish education bottleneckLimited places at English-language upper secondary schools and vocational colleges leave many 15-year-olds facing stark choices when they finish 9th grade. https://yle.fi/a/74-20028279?origin=rss #AllPointsNorth #koulutus #työelämä #kotimaa
#allpointsnorth #koulutus #tyoelama #kotimaa
APN podcast: Is Finland leaving English-speaking kids behind?The All Points North podcast explores what fierce competition for English-language high school places means for those left behind. https://yle.fi/a/74-20028115?origin=rss #AllPointsNorth #koulutus #kotimaa
#allpointsnorth #koulutus #kotimaa
APN Podcast post-election special: Exit Marin, enter OrpoSanna Marin is set to leave the Prime Minister's office for the next four years, but what kind of government will replace hers? The All Points North podcast looks at all the issues arising from Finland's parliamentary election. https://yle.fi/a/74-20025571?origin=rss #sosiaalidemokraattisetpuolueet #Eduskuntavaalit2023 #KansallinenKokoomus #AllPointsNorth
#sosiaalidemokraattisetpuolueet #eduskuntavaalit2023 #kansallinenkokoomus #allpointsnorth
APN podcast: Parliamentary election specialWe dive into the big issues as Finland heads to the polls on Sunday 2 April. https://yle.fi/a/74-20024843?origin=rss #Eduskuntavaalit2023 #AllPointsNorth #politiikka
#eduskuntavaalit2023 #allpointsnorth #politiikka
APN podcast: Finding work and destigmatising Aids This week the podcast looks at what it's like to live with Aids in Finland. https://yle.fi/a/3-12682970?origin=rss #AllPointsNorth #ulkopolitiikka #yhteiskunta #politiikka #työelämä #ilmasto #terveys #kotimaa #talous
#allpointsnorth #ulkopolitiikka #yhteiskunta #politiikka #tyoelama #ilmasto #terveys #kotimaa #talous
APN podcast: Finding work and destigmatising Aids https://yle.fi/a/3-12682970?origin=rss This week the podcast looks at what it's like to live with Aids in Finland. #AllPointsNorth #ulkopolitiikka #yhteiskunta #politiikka #työelämä #ilmasto #terveys #kotimaa #talous
#allpointsnorth #ulkopolitiikka #yhteiskunta #politiikka #tyoelama #ilmasto #terveys #kotimaa #talous
APN podcast: Finding work and destigmatising Aids This week the podcast looks at what it's like to live with Aids in Finland. #AllPointsNorth #ulkopolitiikka #yhteiskunta #politiikka #työelämä #ilmasto #terveys #kotimaa #talous
#allpointsnorth #ulkopolitiikka #yhteiskunta #politiikka #tyoelama #ilmasto #terveys #kotimaa #talous