I'm #NotSure if it feels #Threatened, #MisterDen...
I adopt the same pose when I'm deciding which sandwich to have... | #AllSammidgesMatter
I'm #Channeling a #Sammidge right now...
π§βοΈ π€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | π₯ͺπ π¦Ήπ¦π¦Ήπ π₯ͺ
#notsure #threatened #misterden #allsammidgesmatter #channeling #sammidge
Ooops.... In a #Flash, I misread that as "It has to have pasties as well, the full LGBT."
The full #LettuceGuacamoleBaconTomato... | #AllSammidgesMatter
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | πͺπ¦Ήππ»ππ¦Ήπͺ
#flash #lettuceguacamolebacontomato #allsammidgesmatter
And #NigellaLawson... #DangerToSammidges
π§βοΈ π€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | π₯ͺπ π¦Ήπ¦π¦Ήπ π₯ͺ
#nigellalawson #dangertosammidges #allsammidgesmatter
π§βοΈ π€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | π₯ͺπ π¦Ήπ¦π¦Ήπ π₯ͺ
I'm just #Gunner #Skip the #WhiskersOnKittens because #KittensAreStoopid and #FastTrack to #BrownPaperPackages...
And #BrownPaperPackages
#See... #InherentlyCreative...
#IT's #BaconBagelTime | #AllSammidgesMatter
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | π₯―π₯π³π¦π³π₯π₯―
#gunner #skip #whiskersonkittens #kittensarestoopid #fasttrack #brownpaperpackages #raindropsonroses #anotherhaiku #see #inherentlycreative #it #baconbageltime #allsammidgesmatter
Also... #Tangentially...
For #OurAdventure in #TheOutside; I made #TunaMayoSammidges... #ToGo!
To make #TunaMayoSammidges; you will need:
#Mayonnaise (#NiceMayonnaise, not #HorribleMayonnaise);
#Stuff; and,
#AllSammidgesMatter even if they're #NotEntirelySuitableForVegetarians
π§βοΈ π€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | π₯ͺπ π¦Ήπ¦π¦Ήπ π₯ͺ
#tangentially #ouradventure #theoutside #tunamayosammidges #togo #tuna #mayonnaise #nicemayonnaise #horriblemayonnaise #stuff #things #allsammidgesmatter #notentirelysuitableforvegetarians
#IT's #JustAsWell that I made #Guacamole then, isn't it...?
#Now... On to #TheHunt for: #MyFormerSovietHydrofoil...!
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | π₯ͺπ§π₯π»π₯π§π₯ͺ
#it #justaswell #guacamole #allsammidgesmatter #now #thehunt #myformersoviethydrofoil
I'm just #Gunner #Skip the #WhiskersOnKittens because #KittensAreStoopid and #FastTrack to #BrownPaperPackages...
And #BrownPaperPackages
#See... #InherentlyCreative...
#IT's #SammidgeTime...! | #AllSammidgesMatter
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | π₯ͺπ§π₯π¦π₯π₯ͺ
#gunner #skip #whiskersonkittens #kittensarestoopid #fasttrack #brownpaperpackages #raindropsonroses #anotherhaiku #see #inherentlycreative #it #sammidgetime #allsammidgesmatter