Neues vom Spocht.
Hohe Temperaturen, geringes Spieltempo, sehr unterhaltsamer Abend.
Ich denke, so lässt sich das Abschiedsspiel von Fin Bartels ganz gut zusammenfassen.
#FinBartels #Abschiedsspiel #Allstars #Finito #KielAhoi #Fussball
#finbartels #abschiedsspiel #allstars #finito #KielAhoi #fussball
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EP REVIEW: Beltfed Weapon - Darkened Demise, by @evansmo46535058 (@adrenalinepr) #thrash #allstars
Protecting one's happiness and mental health is important.
At the same time, just an opinion: if you get invited to participate in Drag Race, decide - with certitude - that you will want to stay in the game *unless you're eliminated.*
If you think you might be triggered and leave for any reason, re-think joining. You're taking a space from someone else.
If I were a queen that could have been there, I'd be pissed!
#rupaulsdragrace #allstars #allstars8 #dragrace
Here's today's #dragqueen #lovefest 👑 (# 75) This FANTASTIC #queen is @thetammiebrown & she's giving me Red Cardinal vibes🐦 I've always loved #TammyBrown it'd be cool to see her on #AllStars 🤩
#dragrace #DragMashup #dragisbeautiful #LGBTQIAisUnderAttack #DragIsBeingAttacked #loveislove #SayGay 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️
#saygay #LoveIsLove #dragisbeingattacked #lgbtqiaisunderattack #dragisbeautiful #dragmashup #dragrace #allstars #tammybrown #queen #lovefest #dragqueen
🎧 #GraceJones covered "Private Life" on #WarmLeatherette in 1980, the same year Chrissie Hynde's song was included on #Pretenders debut LP.
#SlyAndRobbie joined the Compass Point #AllStars in the studio + #ChrisBlackwell produced. It's one of the #remastered Grace Jones tracks on "Private Life: The Compass Point Sessions" (1998). This is the #dub version.
#music #Dub #electronic #programming #newwave #DanceMusic #classic #Jamaica #LadiesAndGentlemenMissGraceJones
#chrisblackwell #pretenders #ladiesandgentlemenmissgracejones #jamaica #classic #Dancemusic #newwave #Programming #electronic #Music #dub #remastered #allstars #slyandrobbie #warmleatherette #gracejones
RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars | Season 8 Official Trailer | Paramount+
Welcome to the fame games! RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars raises the stakes like never before with a new twist. The latest roundup of returning Queens have the chance to become the coveted winner two different ways – with one being crowned by RuPaul, and one determined solely by the audience.
#RuPaulsDragRace #DragRace #AllStars #OfficialTrailer #television #streaming #ParamountPlus
#rupaulsdragrace #dragrace #allstars #officialtrailer #television #streaming #paramountplus
what a pleasent surprise indeed! #AllStars
What a surprise!!! I just met my buddy in Bucharest even if we have different schedules! What a small world!! 😎🥳
🎧 #GraceJones covered "Private Life" on #WarmLeatherette later the same year as Chrissie Hynde + Pretenders (1980) on their debut LP. #SlyAndRobbie joined the Compass Point #AllStars in the studio + Chris Blackwell produced. It's one of the #remastered Grace Jones #tracks on "#PrivateLife: The #CompassPoint Sessions" (1998). This is the #dub version.
#music #Dub #electronic #programming #newwave #DanceMusic #classic #compilation #Jamaica #LadiesAndGentlemenMissGraceJones
#gracejones #warmleatherette #slyandrobbie #allstars #remastered #tracks #privatelife #compasspoint #dub #music #electronic #programming #newwave #dancemusic #classic #compilation #jamaica #ladiesandgentlemenmissgracejones
Take a look for more.. #Thread
if you like this?
♫ Pick Up the Pieces ♫
#NowPlaying #NSR
#Jazz #Music #TheJazzAvengers 🇯🇵 #AllFemaleBand #AllStars
#thread #nowplaying #NSR #jazz #music #thejazzavengers #allfemaleband #allstars
Watching RuPaul's All Stars Season 7 again gives me so much joy! Some of the funniest stuff around.
#RuPaulDragRace #AllStars #RuPaul
#rupaul #allstars #RuPaulDragRace
Barraco Drag: Trixie Mattel Vs. Kitara Ravache
Kitara Ravache, hoje deputado republicano George Santos, trocou farpas com Trixie Mattel nas mídias sociais, confira todo babado a seguir.
#AllStars #BarracosDrag #DragQueens #kitararavache #rpdrallstars3 #trixiemattel
#allstars #BarracosDrag #dragqueens #kitararavache #rpdrallstars3 #trixiemattel
NBA All-Star -äänestys on viety jonnekin absurdiuden rajoille.
Äänestysaikaa on kuukausi.
Rekisteröityneet käyttäjät voivat äänestää joka päivä viittä pelaajaa (All Star -kentällinen). Kuutena päivänä on erikoispäivä, jolloin annetut äänet lasketaan kolminkertaisina.
Näistä äänistä muotoutuu fanien äänet, jotka ovat 50% kaikista äänistä. Sitten on vielä pelaajien äänet 25% ja median äänet 25%. Tietyllä kaavalla näiden äänet lasketaan yhteen ja lopulliset pelaajat valitaan.
Naming the #NHL 2022-23 #Underrated #Analytics #AllStars — I’ve decided to name a starting lineup — and a second team of honourable mentions — of players who grade out as some of the league’s best by modern analytical metrics.
#allstars #analytics #underrated #nhl
All Stars Talent And Result From AGT: All Stars Episode 1
#agt #allstars #episode #thesmallpost
#agt #allstars #episode #thesmallpost