Just imagine a unicorn that obeys 🤔 you see, unicorns cannot be state supporters. 😁😇 :anarchyblob: #AllStatesAreTerrorStates
Greeting my dear Anarchosinhos. Let's fuck the state 🙄
It's not just that #AllStatesAreTerrorStates, it is the first and foremost feature of a state to be able to reach for its citizens at any time at any place.
#PoliceViolance and the almost arbitrary outcomes at court cause of plenty inunderstandable laws, rules, administrative acts and other sorts of regulation,
finalizes exactly the Definition of #Terror.
Except when you have Money and can pay the better Lawyer. In any case, better not to go to court, if you miss the money.
#allstatesareterrorstates #policeviolance #terror #stateterror #anarchism
What I love about capitalism
Nice thing with #capitalism: 100 billion to strengthen German #Military, have so far been spent on:
-> Inflation
-> Cost increase of already ordered supply
-> On #corruption, for F-35 fighters, where US can choose freely the per Unit price.
Thus 70 billion are already gone for nothing 🤣 And now #Germany runs out of Ammo. 😜
#capitalism #military #corruption #germany #FuckNATO #allstatesareterrorstates