James Baldwin said,
“I was born here almost 60 years ago. I’m not going to live another 60 years. You always told me, ‘It takes time.’ It’s taken my father’s time, my mother’s time, my uncle’s time, my brothers’ and my sisters’ time. How much time do you want for your progress?”
#JamesBaldwin #HowMuchTime? #SocialHousing #BritishProblems #EDI #TomMurtha #RaceEqualityWeek #AllTalkNoAction
#alltalknoaction #raceequalityweek #tommurtha #edi #britishproblems #Socialhousing #howmuchtime #jamesbaldwin
Listening to #KQED talk about wanting to leave twitter but still only have bots on #mastodon. I will follow them here when they are really here. #LeaveTheBirdSite #AllTalkNoAction #IWillBelieveItWhenISeeIt
#kqed #mastodon #leavethebirdsite #alltalknoaction #iwillbelieveitwheniseeit
#quote #quoteoftheday #quoteofthedaypic #quotestagram #AllTalkNoAction #actionsspeak #BeingHuman #WorldShootingComplex #campsite #Sparta #Illinois #travel #travels #traveling #beenhere
#quote #quoteoftheday #quoteofthedaypic #quotestagram #alltalknoaction #actionsspeak #beinghuman #worldshootingcomplex #campsite #sparta #illinois #travel #travels #traveling #beenhere
My grandfather fought in World War II, he was also a POW. It took him years to let go of the anger & ptsd. I will never support Nazi's or Hitler. This mentality is despicable. I vote we send Ye to war so he can put his money where his mouth is. #AlltalkNoAction #EntitledPrick #InsufferableMagaMoron
#alltalknoaction #entitledprick #insufferablemagamoron