#Biografie einer großen #Künstlerin unserer Zeit, #Doku über das Aus der #Sackler-Familie als Sponsoren für bedeutende #Museen & Aufarbeitung deren Verantwortung in Bezug auf die #Opioidkrise in den USA.
Vor allem ist #AllTheBeautyAndTheBloodshed aber ein sehr guter #Film über gelebten #Aktivismus & die #Kunst zu protestieren.
#DieLetzteFilmkritik #HBO #Dokumentation #NanGoldin #Fotografie #Photography #Kunstwelt #SacklerFamily #Filme #Film #Review #Kritik #Podcasts #Podcast
#biografie #kunstlerin #doku #sackler #museen #OpioidKrise #allthebeautyandthebloodshed #film #aktivismus #kunst #dieletztefilmkritik #hbo #Dokumentation #nangoldin #fotografie #photography #kunstwelt #sacklerfamily #filme #review #Kritik #podcasts #podcast
Ein einzigartiges Zeitdokument: #AllTheBeautyAndTheBloodshed von Laura Poitras.
Unser allererster Eindruck direkt nach dem Kino:
Neue Folge, Episode 1217
#NanGoldin #Filmpodcast #Film #Filmfan #Filmastodon #Cinemastodon #Oxycodon #Sackler
#sackler #Oxycodon #cinemastodon #filmastodon #filmfan #Film #filmpodcast #nangoldin #allthebeautyandthebloodshed
Ein einzigartiges Zeitdokument: #AllTheBeautyAndTheBloodshed von Laura Poitras.
Unser allererster Eindruck direkt nach dem Kino:
Neue Folge, Episode 1217
#NanGoldin #Filmpodcast #Film #Filmfan #Filmastodon #Cinemastodon #Oxycodon #Sackler
#sackler #Oxycodon #cinemastodon #filmastodon #filmfan #Film #filmpodcast #nangoldin #allthebeautyandthebloodshed
Always been a fan of Nan Goldin's images. And I thoroughly enjoyed 'All the beauty and the bloodshed' about her life and her fight against the Sackler family, who got their fortune by selling OxyContin and fueling opioid addiction.
#nangoldin #allthebeautyandthebloodshed #cinemazed
#cinemazed #allthebeautyandthebloodshed #nangoldin
Gestern habe ich mir in einer Preview "All the beauty and the bloodshed" im #Kino angesehen. Sehr unbedingte Empfehlung. Was für eine eindringliche Doku über den Kampf gegen die Sacklers (die Familie hinter der #Opioid - Krise), aber auch über das Leben von #NanGoldin und wie es sie zu diesem Kampf geführt hat.
Und Ihre Fotos! Warum sehen die alle perfekt aus, egal wie unscharf sie sind.
#opioidcrisis #allthebeautyandthebloodshed #nangoldin #opioid #kino
I'm falling in love with #NanGoldin all over again watching #AllTheBeautyAndTheBloodshed.
She was such a huge influence on my young self and to this day permeates much of the way I engage with #art, #writing, and #life.
#nangoldin #allthebeautyandthebloodshed #art #writing #life #aesthetics
Excellent documentary #AllTheBeautyAndTheBloodshed about artist Nan Goldin and her activism. #DirectedbyWomen.
#allthebeautyandthebloodshed #directedbywomen
TV TONIGHT (March 19)
#LuckyHank #YourHonor #TheBlacklist #Sanditon #CallTheMidwife #MarieAntoinettePBS #MayorOfKingstown #NCAATournament #AmericanIdol #TheEqualizer #BobsBurgers #MILFManor #AllTheBeautyAndTheBloodshed #ImpracticalJokers #NakedAndAfraid
#nakedandafraid #ImpracticalJokers #allthebeautyandthebloodshed #milfmanor #bobsburgers #theequalizer #americanidol #NCAATournament #mayorofkingstown #marieantoinettepbs #callthemidwife #sanditon #TheBlacklist #YourHonor #luckyhank
Film Independent Spirit Awards 2023 Winners: EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE, THE BEAR, JOYLAND, & More
#FilmBook #FilmAward #TVShowAward #ABC #AlltheBeautyandtheBloodshed #EmilytheCriminal #EverythingEverywhereAllatOnce #FilmAward #FilmIndependentSpiritAwards #Hulu #Joyland #Nanny #Tar #TheBear #TVShowAward
#filmbook #filmaward #tvshowaward #abc #allthebeautyandthebloodshed #emilythecriminal #everythingeverywhereallatonce #filmindependentspiritawards #hulu #joyland #nanny #tar #thebear
#AllTheBeautyAndTheBloodshed, the documentary about #NanGoldin made me mad about the #sacklers all over again just as the impact of #EmpireOfPain was fading. And to think their name is still on a library ten minutes walk from the cinema. The positive was I learnt more about Goldin herself. Her story, her art, her pain, her determination.
#allthebeautyandthebloodshed #nangoldin #sacklers #empireofpain
Seems fitting that on the day the FT published a front page article on the craven approach of the university to the #Sackler family that I'm off to #Oxford tonight to see #AllTheBeautyAndTheBloodshed, the film about #NanGoldin.
#sackler #oxford #allthebeautyandthebloodshed #nangoldin
Baggy but also brilliant on the #Sackler #Oxycontin scandal and art as activism. #NanGoldin #AllTheBeautyAndTheBloodshed #HarmReduction #Addiction
#sackler #oxycontin #nangoldin #allthebeautyandthebloodshed #harmreduction #addiction
Why activism matters. #fuckbigpharma #fuckbigmoney fuck #theshacklers
Also. AIDS in the eighties and nineties gets me 🤬👿😭 everytime
Ga.zien. #allthebeautyandthebloodshed #kinorotterdam #cineville
#fuckbigpharma #fuckbigmoney #theshacklers #allthebeautyandthebloodshed #kinorotterdam #cineville
So, this doc about artist Nan Goldin is nothing short of amazing. Covers her AIDS activism, her activism against the Sacklers and Purdue Pharma over Oxycontin, and loads more stuff. I was working and rather unprofessionally cried more than once. I don’t think you’d regret checking it out.
#Cinemastodon #Filmastodon #Film #Documentary #NanGoldin #LauraPoitras
#laurapoitras #nangoldin #documentary #film #filmastodon #cinemastodon #allthebeautyandthebloodshed
9th Film of 2023: #AllTheBeautyAndTheBloodshed #Cineworld #CineworldUnlimited
#allthebeautyandthebloodshed #Cineworld #cineworldunlimited
Artist Nan Goldin on addiction and taking on the Sackler dynasty: ‘I wanted to tell my truth’ https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2022/dec/04/artist-nan-goldin-addiction-all-beauty-and-bloodshed-sackler-opioid?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
#nangoldin #laurapoitras #allthebeautyandthebloodshed
Do hope this gets picked up near me so I can see it at the cinema (I wrote my UG dissertation on Goldin many moons ago but am out of touch with the details of the anti-Sackler campaign).
#nangoldin #allthebeautyandthebloodshed
All the Beauty & the Bloodshed review read by Manohla Dargis with a three minute introduction
The review begins with a description of Heart Shaped Bruise, NYC by #NanGoldin in the collection of the Met
#AlltheBeautyAndtheBloodshed which is playing in San Francisco, NYC, & LA and will expand opens with a protest at the Met
#nangoldin #allthebeautyandthebloodshed
All the Beauty & the Bloodshed review read by Manohla Dargis with a three minute introduction
The review begins with a description of Heart Shaped Bruise, NYC by #NanGoldin in the collection of the Met
#AlltheBeautyAndtheBloodshed which is playing in San Francisco, NYC, & LA and will expand opens with a protest at the Met
#nangoldin #allthebeautyandthebloodshed