#global #generalstrike #worldwide #allforall #alltogether #endcapitalism #basicincome #worldwithoutmoney #noleaders #opensourcesociety
"The theory of exodus proposes that the most effective way of opposing capitalism and the liberal state is not through direct confrontation but by means of what Paolo Virno has called “engaged withdrawal,”mass defection by those wishing to create new forms of community.
One need only glance at the historical record to confirm that most successful forms of popular resistance have taken precisely this form. They have not involved challenging power head on (this usually leads to being slaughtered, or if not, turning into some—often even uglier—variant of the very thing one first challenged) but from one or another strategy of slipping away from its grasp, from flight, desertion, the founding of new communities.”
#bullshitjobs #generalstreik #occupy #nowork #donothing #tunix #fuckwork #buynothing #cancelstreaming #cancelnetflix #cancelthemall #escapethepattern #monkeybrain stop #brainwash #emancipate
#emanzipation #emancipation #love #anarchyislove #LeaveNoOneBehind
#gooutside #takedrugs #havesex #likenormalpeople #followyourbliss #stopactinglikeadults #fuckthem #justbe #boostpositivethings #boostsubversivethings #fediverse #stopmakingstupidpeoplefamous #stopdoomscrolling
#buynothing #cancelstreaming #global #generalstrike #worldwide #allforall #alltogether #endcapitalism #basicincome #worldwithoutmoney #noleaders #opensourcesociety #bullshitjobs #generalstreik #occupy #nowork #donothing #tunix #fuckwork #emanzipation #emancipation #love #anarchyislove #leavenoonebehind #gooutside #takedrugs #havesex #likenormalpeople #followyourbliss #stopactinglikeadults #fuckthem #justbe #boostpositivethings #boostsubversivethings #fediverse #StopMakingStupidPeopleFamous #stopdoomscrolling #Gedankenverbrechen #gedankenpolizei #gedankenknast #cancelnetflix #cancelthemall #escapethepattern #monkeybrain #brainwash #emancipate
I can understand howls of ex Chelsea and Arsenal players against Conte, but I don't understand some of Tottenham fans doing so.
Not committed ? Man who put Tottenham in front of his own health and returned to early from complicated operation ?
Defensive ? We scored 8 more goals than that your eye candy free flowing attacking football club called Manchester United and we won't concede 7 at Anfield.
Eliminated from the Cup ? That's mentality of our players not to take weaker opponents seriously and Antonio is working on this.
We need patience and 3-4 new players and goalkeeper to be competitive for the top.
Antonio is the right man for the job.
#alltogether #spurs #coys #thfc
Da die Streaming-Dienste die Preise doch deutlich erhöht haben, steige ich vom Modell #AllTogether auf #Hopping um. #Netflix und #Prime sind bereits gekündigt. Beim #ZDF finde ich den Kündigungs-Button nicht.
#zdf #prime #netflix #hopping #alltogether
81 years ago:
All Together (CA,US)
The entire Disney menagerie appears in a parade urging the purchase of war bonds.
#AllTogether #WaltDisney #Animation #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#alltogether #waltdisney #animation #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
Ich bleibe dabei. Egal, was sich mit der #pflegekammernrw verändern mag. Sie ist politisch initiiert, sie ist da. Und jetzt muss gearbeitet werden. #alltogether Der boykott von etwas Neuem wird per se jedenfalls keine (positive) #Veränderung bringen.
#Pflegenotstand #pflegebrennt
#PflegekammerNRW #alltogether #veranderung #Pflegenotstand #pflegebrennt