"We take care of ourselves as we take care of the earth - all healing is connected." By Rose Wong with typography by Madeleine Jubilee Saito. CC BY-NC-ND.
I recently read several of the selections from The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2022 anthology. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson edited this edition, and I was intrigued by her initiatives, leading me to The All We Can Save Project. This poster and a couple others are available as PDFs here: https://allwecansave.earth/printable-poster-library #AllWeCanSave #ClimateJustice #ClimateCrisis #ClimateLeadership #Feminism
#allwecansave #climatejustice #ClimateCrisis #climateleadership #feminism
"...choices like what car we buy or whether we buy a car at all... It's even easier to miss the choices we can't make, like taking a train to a nearby city when no train service exists.
When we start to see the choices that are *not* available, we can begin to see the role of political power in our daily lives. Who decides what options are available for us to choose in the first place?"
Leah Cardamore Stokes
Ayana Elizabeth Johnson
Katharine K. Wilkinson
@bethsawin I'm part of an #AllWeCanSave climate circle, just found your #multisolving interview with #KatherineWilkinson. Reminds me of #Indigenous ways of knowing, all connected, searching for balance, etc. Any resources you'd suggest?
#allwecansave #multisolving #katherinewilkinson #indigenous