Is #Trump's mugshot being photoshopped into crowds going to be this summer's #AllYourBase meme?
His mug's been seen waiting for the New York Subway, on Splash Mountain in Disneyland, and more in this summer's hottest internet meme!
I, too, could write for Vice News, Parade Magazine or blog named after a defunct small-town newspaper, and shoot straight to the top of MSN Start...
Aaah, das Intro! Lange nicht mehr gehört 🥹
Danke #FreakShow #allyourbase
Somebody set us up The Law
Make your Time
For Great Justice!
#PrinceHarry #AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs
ha ha ha ha ha ha
(note when I starting singing #AllYourBase last night, I had NO idea it would fit so well with today's #SussexSquad news 🤣 )
#princeharry #allyourbasearebelongtous #princeharryvsanl #allyourbase #sussexsquad
The explainer video on The Legend of #AllYourBase #AreBelongToUs
(It even explains some things I did not know at the time.)
#allyourbase #arebelongtous #makeyourtime
We were talking about something and I all of a sudden began singing the #AllYourBase are belong to us chant (ha ha ha ha ha ha) and it tore through the very early blogosphere and I’m hard pressed to even explain it to someone much much older or much much younger.
Here, for your enjoyment, is All Your Base.
(Next toot, the explainer video for older and younger people who weren’t there then.)
OK blind synth nerds, let's add our bit to this part of internet history in honor of #AllYourBase Day this year. What synth is speaking the dialogue in this video? I think it's a Dectalk Express, the serial version, V. 4.0, but might be wrong.
Happy #AllYourBase Day tomorrow, for those who celebrate. Make your time.
I wonder what #photoshopped images would accompany the #AllYourBase #meme if it had been made now, more than 21 years later:
#photoshopped #allyourbase #meme
@tpheine I can actually say "ok Google, MAIN SCREEN TURN ON" to power up the main media screen but I have yet been able to make it reply "We get signal!" #allyourbase