Philocalist: lover of beauty. #lovingwords #beautifulwords #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmann
#almahoffmann #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmannlettering #beautifulwords #lovingwords
Fika means Moment of appreciation. Looking for opportunities to practice what I learned with @goldie2452 this week. Baby steps. #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmann
#almahoffmann #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmannletters
More class experiments with @goldie2452 class through @calligraphyitalia. This was music to my soul. #calligraphyitalia #mikegold #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmann
#almahoffmann #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmannlettering #mikegold #calligraphyitalia
Taking a two day workshop with @goldie2452 through @calligraphyitalia and I’m having so much fun!!! Loved every second of it! So looking forward to tomorrow’s second part. #calligraphyclasses #mikegold #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmann
#almahoffmann #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmannletters #mikegold #calligraphyclasses
My daughter to me when I discard a show or song quickly because I don’t get hooked on it. #saidaroundhere #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmann
#almahoffmann #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmannlettering #saidaroundhere
It’s been a busy couple of weeks with the senior show, finals, grading, and the usual torments of the end of another academic year. I tried for hours to design and come up with something. Tried a new program. It is good but not the same for what I do daily. Did some patterns that surely suck. Gave up. Found this ink composition I’d done some time ago and it seemed to say “stop thinking”. So, I lettered it. #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmannpics #almahoffmann
#almahoffmann #almahoffmannpics #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmannletters
Latin phrase that means: wonderful to say. Why don’t we speak this way anymore? Not necessarily Latin but with the love for words and what they mean. I love words. I love many things but words are in my top five. #latinphrases #latinwords #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmann
#almahoffmann #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmannlettering #latinwords #latinphrases
Lulu means any remarkable or outstanding person or thing. At least that’s what the dictionary says. It’s also a cartoon named Little Lulu. It originated in the mid thirties in the The Saturday Evening Post & was televised in the early 40s. It ran until late 70s. I loved Lulu. And whenever someone gets in trouble, I sing Luluuuuu… #littlelulucartoon #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmann
#almahoffmann #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmannlettering #littlelulucartoon
#almahoffmann #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmannlettering #letteringyourfaith
What our son says to both of us when we say he didn’t tell us something: you’re suffering from auditory hallucinations. 🤔 #saidaroundhere #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmann
#almahoffmann #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmannlettering #saidaroundhere
Said in class by me. While giving feedback to one of my students who said the composition was inspired by galaxies. I said, “that doesn’t look very galaxian.” He asked me if the word was in Spanish. I said nope. I invented it now. #lifeinacademia #academiclife #saidinclass #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmann
#almahoffmann #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmannlettering #saidinclass #academiclife #lifeinacademia
Patterned flourishes. #patterndesign #flourishedpatterns #almahoffmannpatterns #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmann
#almahoffmann #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmannpatterns #flourishedpatterns #patterndesign
Metanoia. It means the journey of changing one’s mind, heart, self, or way of life. #wordoftheday #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmann
#almahoffmann #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmannletters #wordoftheday
#almahoffmann #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmannletters #letteringmyfaith
My daughter to me when I was asking her to hurry up with something. #saidaroundhere #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmann
#almahoffmann #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmannletters #saidaroundhere
Quote from the show on @hulu El Grito de las Mariposas (The Roar of the Butterflies). It is based on the assassination of Minerva Miralba & her sisters by former dictator Trujillo in Dominican Republic. Asier, a Spaniard professor living in DR, is talking abt government controlled media & tv. He says: “el que controla las palabras, controla la realidad.” “He who controls the words, controls reality.” #tvshowquotes #gritodelasmariposas #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmann
#almahoffmann #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmannlettering #gritodelasmariposas #tvshowquotes
After asking my son something apparently twice. Decided to parent through online shaming one post at a time. If you know us, you’ll understand our sense of humor. #saidaroundhere # #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmann
#almahoffmann #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmannlettering #saidaroundhere
Said around here and we forgot why it was said. But it stuck with me. #saidaroundhere #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmann
#almahoffmann #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmannlettering #saidaroundhere
Practicing for my Mid-Century Pen moves class with @sue.tangomango at @thegentlepenman. Sometimes I get lost and try to push the idea of turning the pen too much. Kind of want to find my vibe. Love this class! #midcenturypenmoves #thegentlepenman #suetangomango #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmann
#almahoffmann #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmannletters #suetangomango #thegentlepenman #midcenturypenmoves
Practicing (still rough) @sue.tangomango lesson from today at the @thegentlepenman. I had to leave but I’ll catch up with the recording. The word elysian means beautiful, creative, divinely inspired, peaceful and perfect. #suegreenseth #thegentlemen #midcenturypenmoves #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmann
#almahoffmann #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmannlettering #midcenturypenmoves #thegentlemen #suegreenseth