Another great ALMA image: a group of researchers led by ProfessorXX studied the triple system IRAS 04239+2436 on the radio signals of sulfur monoxide (SO) and studied the arms generated in that kind of interaction, and compared them with simulations, and the agreement was fantastic.
More info at
#RadioAstronomy #StarFormation #TripleSystems #ALMA #ALMAObservatory #NumericalSimulations
#radioastronomy #starformation #triplesystems #alma #almaobservatory #numericalsimulations
(En español más abajo)
Last chapter of a documentary series by the national TV broadcaster of Chile on astronomical observatories in the country. This chapter provides (in Spanish) an overview of ALMA, its components, and its science.
Último capítulo de una serie de documentales de TVN Chile sobre los diferentes observatorios astronómicos del país. Este capítulo es sobre ALMA, su composición y su ciencia.
#alma #almaobservatory #observatorioalma #documental
The power of multiwavelength astronomy in action: A research group led by Philipp Weber of the Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH) and Millennium Nucleus on Young Exoplanets and their Moons (YEMS) used ALMA to check on a young star, V960 Mon. Beyond the dust detectable with SPHERE, ALMA showed spiral arms of gas that are fragmenting, and have masses that can be progenitors of future giant planets.
#ALMA #AlmaObservatory #SPHERE #PlanetFormation #RadioAstronomy #VLT
#alma #almaobservatory #sphere #planetformation #radioastronomy #VLT
@vlrny you can get a lot of interesting people following astronomy related hashtags:
#Astronomy #AstroPhotography #AstroPhysics #RadioAstronomy #Hubble #HST #ALMA #AlmaObservatory #JWST
and many others!
#astronomy #astrophotography #astrophysics #radioastronomy #hubble #hst #alma #almaobservatory #jwst
This result is remarkable: ALMA has found in the PDS 70 system a cloud of debris which is in trojan formation with a potential exoplanet, which might be another forming planet in a Lagrange point with respect to the previously detected exoplanet. This work is trying to collect evidence for more exotrojan bodies.
And this is the link to the paper:
#ALMA #AtacamaLargeMillimeterArray #ALMAObservatory #Exoplanets #Exotrojans #PlanetFormation
#alma #atacamalargemillimeterarray #almaobservatory #exoplanets #exotrojans #planetformation
Do you want to collaborate in the system engineering efforts of the ALMA Observatory? We have a position for you!
She (or he) will support the System Engineering (SE) processes related to the different ALMA development projects, and thus I will have to collaborate with this person as part of the SE team.
More details, including position requirements, at our recruitment website.
#ALMA #AlmaObservatory #SystemEngineering #JobVacancy #SystemsEngineer #Jobs
#alma #almaobservatory #systemengineering #jobvacancy #systemsengineer #jobs
Relaying this from the ALMA Observatory account "over there”…
A Surprise Chemical Find by ALMA May Help Detect and Confirm Protoplanets. Located in the constellation Sagittarius, the young star HD 169142 is host to a giant protoplanet embedded within its dusty, gas-rich protoplanetary disk.
#ALMA #AlmaObservatory #AstroChemistry #ExoPlanets #ProtoPlanets #HD169142
Nitter link:
#alma #almaobservatory #astrochemistry #exoplanets #protoplanets #hd169142
Muy feliz de compartir el documental “En busca de nuestros orígenes”, que debutó anoche en el canal educativo de la Televisión Nacional de Chile (TVN), y que ahora está disponible para todos en YouTube. Está en español con subtítulos en inglés. ¡Disfrútenlo!
#ALMA #AlmaObservatory #ObservatorioAlma #documental #divulgación #astronomía #radioastronomía
#alma #almaobservatory #observatorioalma #documental #divulgacion #astronomia #radioastronomia
I’m really happy to share the documentary “In search of our origins” which premiered yesterday on the educational channel of the Chilean National TV (NTV), and is now available for everyone. It is in Spanish original version, with English subtitles. Enjoy!
#alma #almaobservatory #documentary #outreach
This is a very neat result: using ALMA, a team surveyed 39 massive cosmic clouds, or "star nurseries”… and found in the order of ~stellar seeds… and 99% of them lacked the mass to give birth to massive stars. It seems that core density might be more critical than mass for high-mass star formation.
#ALMA #AlmaObservatory #ProtoStars #MolecularClouds #MolecularCloudCores #StarFormation #InfraredDarkClouds #IDC #IDCs
#alma #almaobservatory #protostars #molecularclouds #molecularcloudcores #starformation #infrareddarkclouds #IDC #idcs
This is a great talk about how Science Platforms will change the way data reduction is performed in radio astronomy…
At ALMA, we don't have a Science Platform, but we're looking at them to see if they might be required for the WSU era…
#SciencePlatforms #ScienceGateways #CANFAR #ngVLA #SKAO #ALMA #AlmaObservatory #WidebandSensitivityUpgrade #WSU
#scienceplatforms #sciencegateways #canfar #ngvla #SKAO #alma #almaobservatory #widebandsensitivityupgrade #wsu
I gave a talk as part of the SKAO Speaker Series about the ALMA Development Program, which in essence was a recap of ALMA so far, and I think it turned out quite well.
I'm also experimienting with the Fediverse for video, and managed to publish it through PeerTube in my ALMA Observatory channel, hope you enjoy it!
#PeerTube #Fediverse #ALMA #AlmaObservatory #AlmaDevelopmentProgram #WidebandSensitivityUpgrade #WSU
#peertube #fediverse #alma #almaobservatory #almadevelopmentprogram #widebandsensitivityupgrade #wsu
The second resource is actually a combination of resources: the image collections of NRAO, ESO, NAOJ, and the Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) proper:
#alma #jao #almaobservatory #nrao #naoj #eso #images
And if you are intested in the vacancies of the ALMA Observatory, then please have a look here:
#AlmaObservatory #JobVacancy #RadioAstronomy #RadioTelescopes
And you also know about the AAS Job Register, right?
#almaobservatory #jobvacancy #radioastronomy #radiotelescopes
Think we are closing in on over 1400 #jwst proposals submitted this cycle! Guess I was wrong thinking this would be a quiet one (or maybe it was and things will only get worse). Think #HST gets around 1200 per cycle, compared with #ALMAobservatory clocking in at ~1700 in cycle 9.
Just realized (thanks to Valeria Foncea’s presentation to the ALMA Board) that there is an Atacama Makers community being promoted by ALMA, and that they even have inclusive teaching for blind people! That is just great, and I’m very proud of this observatory!
#ALMAobservatory #AtacamaMakers #Arduino #outreach #diversity #inclusion
#almaobservatory #atacamamakers #arduino #outreach #diversity #inclusion
¿Por qué ALMA tiene tantas antenas?
#astronomia #telescopios #observatorios #astronomy #space #almaobservatory
#astronomia #telescopios #observatorios #astronomy #Space #almaobservatory