As per #JasonJaySmart, special correspondent #KyivPost
After popular Russian singer, #Zemfira, sang “Don’t shoot!,” at a concert in #Almaty, #Kazakhstan, the crowd’s reaction was to chant “No to the war.”
#Russia has destroyed its international credibility & is pushing away its once close allies.
#Russian #imperialism must end.»
#jasonjaysmart #kyivpost #zemfira #almaty #kazakhstan #russia #russian #imperialism #war #stopputin #stoprussia #glorytoukraine
#Earthquake (#землетрясение) M4.0 strikes 9 km W of #Almaty (#Kazakhstan) 35 min ago. More info:
#earthquake #землетрясение #almaty #kazakhstan
👉#Almaty (местное время 20:29:52). Вы ощущали землетрясение? Поделитесь своими ощущениями через:
Ваши наблюдения необходимы для понимания последствий землетрясения.🙏
#Kazakhstan: Stiff sentence for purported airport plotter sparks anger.
People in the #Almaty courtroom chanted "shame" as Aigerim Tleuzhan and her co-defendants were led away.
@UncleRickie @stormhour #AltID #Lightning striking the #foothills of the #ZailiskiyAlatau Range south of #Almaty #Kazakhstan. Very stormy sky, though somewhat brighter at the far left. Below the foothills is a verdant city. In the foreground on the left is a park with #trees and a #hedge. On the right is perhaps an industrial building, surrounded by trees. A watermark at the bottom left indicates a copyright to Richard Gatley.
#hedge #trees #kazakhstan #almaty #zailiskiyalatau #foothills #lightning #altid
#Kazakhstan: #Almaty turning into a pedestrian haven in a concrete jungle.
By 2040, the city's metro network is to be radically expanded and an 80-kilometer-long light rail transport network should be built.
#Shymbulak Ski Resort, #Almaty #Kazakhstan
BIG thanks to my super model in red. 🙂😍 (was there Feb 2023)
#iamSK #ITPro #ITNomad
#Shymbulak #almaty #kazakhstan #iamSK #itpro #ITNomad
The famous #Soviet #HotelKazakhstan in #Almaty
#almaty #hotelkazakhstan #soviet
The #GreenBazaar on Zenkov St. In #Almaty #Kazakhstan
#kazakhstan #almaty #greenbazaar
Scenes from The #GreenBazaar on Zenkov St. in #Almaty #Kazakhstan
#kazakhstan #almaty #greenbazaar
#PaniflovPark #Almaty #Kazakhstan memorial to the #GreatPatrioticWar
#greatpatrioticwar #kazakhstan #almaty #paniflovpark
one of the thing that I miss so much in #Almaty is snow. Throwback my trip to #Kazakhstan, February 2023.
#iamSK #ITPro #ITNomad #StreetPhotography
#almaty #kazakhstan #iamSK #itpro #ITNomad #streetphotography
👉#Almaty (местное время 21:15:35). Вы ощущали землетрясение? Поделитесь своими ощущениями через:
Ваши наблюдения необходимы для понимания последствий землетрясения.🙏
#Earthquake 23 km SW of #Almaty (#Kazakhstan) 20 min ago (local time 16:56:13). Updated map - Colored dots represent local shaking & damage level reported by eyewitnesses. Share your experience via:
#earthquake #almaty #kazakhstan