Da uomo a uomo aka Death Rides a Horse (1967)
#deathridesahorse #leevancleef #giuliopetroni #westernmovie #onlocation #eurowestern #spanishwestern #italo #almeriacine #classic #cinema #spaghettiwestern #blackandwhitephotography
#deathridesahorse #leevancleef #giuliopetroni #westernmovie #onlocation #eurowestern #spanishwestern #italo #almeriacine #classic #cinema #spaghettiwestern #blackandwhitephotography
Finally Released in America on this day 1967, almost three years after it's initial release in Italy... Sergio Leone's A Fistful of Dollars starring Clint Eastwood, Gian Maria Volonté and Marianne Koch.
#releasedate #afistfulofdollars #sergioleone #clinteastwood #gianmariavolontè #mariannekoch #spaghettiwestern #revisionist #classicwestern #westernmovies #almeriacine #tabernas #madrid #spain
#releasedate #afistfulofdollars #sergioleone #clinteastwood #gianmariavolonte #mariannekoch #spaghettiwestern #revisionist #classicwestern #westernmovies #almeriacine #tabernas #madrid #spain
Charles Bronson & Alain Delon behind the scenes during the making of Red Sun 1971.
#charlesbronson #bronson #alaindelon #redsun #westernmovie #movie #almeriacine #granada #europe #terenceyoung #toshiromifune #behindthescene #behindthescenes #onlocation #actors #spaghettiwestern
#charlesbronson #bronson #alaindelon #redsun #westernmovie #movie #almeriacine #granada #europe #terenceyoung #toshiromifune #behindthescene #behindthescenes #onlocation #actors #spaghettiwestern