Happy anniversary to Alison Moyet’s covers album, ‘Voice’. Released this week in 2004. #alisonmoyet #voice #windmillsofyourmind #almostblue #alfie
#AlisonMoyet #voice #windmillsofyourmind #almostblue #alfie
life above (photo retouch and original shoot). #pigeon #streetphotography #street #pole #lampione #turin #portapalazzo #piccioni #lines #allineati #fila #row #array #birds #uccelli #city #città #ricoh #retouch #postproduction #sky #cielo #almostblue
#pigeon #streetphotography #street #pole #lampione #turin #portapalazzo #piccioni #lines #allineati #fila #row #array #birds #uccelli #city #citta #ricoh #retouch #postproduction #sky #cielo #almostblue
Finally got around to watching the new #darioargento #giallo, #occhialineri. Was pleasantly surprised to see #carlolucarelli was one of the screenwriters. He is one of my favorite writers - #almostblue and the #commissariodeluca books are must-reads for crime fiction afficianados!
#darioargento #giallo #occhialineri #carlolucarelli #almostblue #commissariodeluca
Elvis Costello & The Attractions // #ElvisCostelloAndTheAttractions //
Almost Blue
[album Imperial Bedroom, 1982]
//via // #ColumbiaRecords // #UniversalMusicGroup //
#brandunbrand #music #YouTube #ElvisCostello #ImperialBedroom #AlmostBlue
#ElvisCostelloAndTheAttractions #columbiarecords #universalmusicgroup #brandunbrand #music #youtube #elviscostello #ImperialBedroom #almostblue
Elvis Costello & The Attractions // #ElvisCostelloAndTheAttractions //
Almost Blue
[album Imperial Bedroom, 1982]
//via // #ColumbiaRecords // #UniversalMusicGroup //
#brandunbrand #music #YouTube #ElvisCostello #ImperialBedroom #AlmostBlue
#ElvisCostelloAndTheAttractions #columbiarecords #universalmusicgroup #brandunbrand #music #youtube #elviscostello #ImperialBedroom #almostblue