Congratulations, @e_buchberger for submitting your thesis at @ruhrunibochum!
I am blessed having the opportunity to work with such inspiring and talented students. Looking forward to #july_twelfth 😎
RT @e_buchberger
So, I finally took a trip to beautiful Bochum last week! Wanna guess why? The dark rings under my eyes and big smile of relief might give it away...🥱#submitted #almostPhDone
#july_twelfth #submitted #almostphdone
Congratulations to LIP colleague @e_buchberger!
RT @e_buchberger
So, I finally took a trip to beautiful Bochum last week! Wanna guess why? The dark rings under my eyes and big smile of relief might give it away...🥱#submitted #almostPhDone
CONGRATULATIONS Meg!!! So well deserved!
Very honored to receive the Graduate Award to support the final year of my PhD! Excited to soon share my findings related to glutamate, rTMS, and depression and bring us closer to personalized medical care for psychiatric illness 🧠 #almostPhDone 🎉
Very honored to receive the Graduate Award to support the final year of my PhD! Excited to soon share my findings related to glutamate, rTMS, and depression and bring us closer to personalized medical care for psychiatric illness 🧠 #almostPhDone 🎉