Three days and counting until I’m officially on summer vacation. I just need to get through the final gauntlet of inane and unnecessary end-of-year fiscal reports and “state-of-the-school” presentations and useless department meetings, plus one very bittersweet retirement party for a beloved colleague.
Three. More. Days.
#teacher #teacherlife #summeriscoming #almostthere #homestretch #digdeep
#teacher #teacherlife #summeriscoming #almostthere #homestretch #digdeep
Sie ist da!!!* Morgen gehen sie ins Dekanat! Ich heul nicht. Ihr heult!! #habil #almostThere
I read my thesis today from front to back in one go. First time reading it as one piece as opposed to five chapters.
Lots of big feelings. But I already have plans for my first former writing block tomorrow.
#ThereWillBeEdits #AlmostThere
#PhDLife #AmWriting #AmReading #AmEditing #SlowlySlowlySlowly #AcademicWriting #AcademicParent
#academicparent #academicwriting #slowlyslowlyslowly #amediting #amreading #amwriting #phdlife #almostthere #therewillbeedits
Μερα fedi :blobcatcoffee:
good second best day of week morning :ablobcatcoffee: :annoyingdog: #almostThere
good second best day of week morning :ablobcatcoffee: :annoyingdog: #almostThere
I SEE @nadianiaz in the kitchen, I HEAR the rustling of plastic packaging, and now I wait for the SMELL to reach me before I decide if it's worth getting up for or not.
#twooutofthree #almostthere #dogsofmastodon
As I prepared battery packs/charging cables for our return trip, thought my son had become the first member of the household to go USB-C only: He got an 2018 iPad Pro, and Nintendo Switch. However, just remembered his AirPods. #AlmostThere
Just realized I haven’t shared the results screen yet:
#mastodonflock #projects #BuildInPublic #almostthere
Thesis is coming along fine, almost there. Just send it out to some people for proofreading. I am so happy it's almost over and at that same time I find it a shame it's almost over...
#intrapreneurship #studentlife #almostthere
A year passes. The study door remains firmly shut, the manic sound of keyboard keys being rattled and occasional expletives can be heard. Finally, a shout of exultation. The thesis has been rewritten and sent to the proof-reader! MrBen emerges. #AlmostThere #DMin
I just hit 40,000 words!!! It’s the home stretch now, mofos! #nanowrimo #amwriting #writingcommunity #almostthere #starwars
#nanowrimo #amwriting #writingcommunity #almostthere #starwars
We like #HashTags
#Hashtag #toot #CamelCaseYourHashtags #ForTheScreenReaders #Accessibility #ATootFullOfHashtags #HowManyHashtagsAreTooMany #WordsToHashTagRatio #TootsPerMinute #TootsPerSecond #TPS #FollowFriday #FF #Friday #RIPTwitter #TwitterMigration #TwitterDown #HashCloud #HashtagCloud #TootCloud #ThisIsALot #500CharacterTootLimit #AlmostThere #NeedCoffee #IsItColdOutside #Trending #CloseEnough #Update #IsItTheWeekendYet #PublishVSToot #TootMyHeart #Done
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