Our latest #ALNMathTalk episode is now live!⚡️
👂to @ckingeducation talk about Acceleration of learning and how to build bridges for S understanding.
#Math #Math4All #AccelerateLearning #MathPodcast #MathTeacher
#MathTeacher #mathpodcast #acceleratelearning #Math4All #math #alnmathtalk
RT @teedjvt
@Debpeart1 Two of our #ALNMathTalk podcast guests!!! 😃 @AllLearnersMath #Math4All
These are important ❓
If your answer is "Yes" then you should consider joining our network!🔗
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➡️👂to our #ALNMathTalk Podcast
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#Math #Math4All
Make sure to listen to our #ALNMathTalk podcast episode with @Zakchamp
listen here➡️ http://bit.ly/3IeBE23
Our conversation with @Zakchamp was inspirational.
Have a 👂here: http://bit.ly/3IeBE23
#ALNMathTalk #Math #Math4All #WalkAwayFromAProblem
#walkawayfromaproblem #Math4All #math #alnmathtalk
🔥We had a great conversation with @pwharris and she restated this powerful quote.
Be on the lookout for the release of her episode in March '23!
✔️out our other #ALNMathTalk episodes here: http://bit.ly/3IeBE23
#Math #Math4All #MathTeacher #MathEdLeader #FlexibleThinking
#flexiblethinking #mathedleader #MathTeacher #Math4All #math #alnmathtalk
Our #ALNMathTalk podcast conversation with @Zakchamp is now live!
#MathIsAboutIdeas #Math #Math4All #MathTeacher #ITeachMath
➡️Have a 👂here:
#iteachmath #MathTeacher #Math4All #math #mathisaboutideas #alnmathtalk
👂to our latest #ALNMathTalk Podcast with fellow Vermonter Jay Meadows from @ExemplarsK12 @bscribb
❓Where do you find rich math tasks?
#Math #Math4All #MathTeacher #RichTasks #ITeachMath #MathEdLeaders #Exemplars
#Exemplars #mathedleaders #iteachmath #richtasks #MathTeacher #Math4All #math #alnmathtalk
We are so excited to share our latest #ALNMathTalk podcast episode is ready! Have a👂to @Debpeart1 talking about the #MatherMovement and the importance of developing #MathIdentity and Agency with our Ss.
✔️it out here: http://bit.ly/3IeBE23
#MathTeacher #Math4All #math #mathidentity #mathermovement #alnmathtalk
Our #ALNMathTalk podcast with @pgliljedahl is our second most👂to episode ever! 🥳
This is just one of so many powerful states shared.
#Math #BuildingThinkingClassrooms #Math4All #ITeachMath #MathEdLeaders #MathTeacher
➡️Have a listen here:
#MathTeacher #mathedleaders #iteachmath #Math4All #buildingthinkingclassrooms #math #alnmathtalk
Our ALN Math Talk Podcast is more than halfway through Season 3!
⭐️We still have some AMAZING conversations upcoming #ALNMathTalk
🔜Next new episode drops on Feb 13th!
@MarlowMathVT @Dr_John_4_Math @teedjvt
#Math #Math4All #MathEdLeaders #MathTeacher
#MathTeacher #mathedleaders #Math4All #math #alnmathtalk
We couldn't agree more!
For math the 👑 is our HLCs to help make sure that you are always focused on the CROWN!
Look for our conversation with @unfoldthesoul on our #ALNMathTalk podcast coming out soon!
#StartWithTheCrown #ALNHLCs #HighLeverageConcepts #RuthlessEquity #Math4All
RT @unfoldthesoul
#Equity means to #StartWithTheCROWN, not with the kid! Equity begins with essentials...PERIODT. #StartWithTheCROWN #RuthlessEquity #Equ…
#equ #equity #Math4All #ruthlessequity #highleverageconcepts #alnhlcs #startwiththecrown #alnmathtalk
We couldn't agree more with @PeterLiljedahl ... this quote is from our #ALNMathTalk Podcast.
Have a 🦻 here: http://bitly.ws/zzwu
✔️ Join us- we can help any and all educators make sure that all students are having rich mathematical experiences.
#Math #Math4All #MathTeacher
#MathTeacher #Math4All #math #alnmathtalk
Check out our newest TikTok video from our conversation with @pgliljedahl
#BuildingThinkingClassrooms #ALNMathTalk #ClassroomCommunity #Math #Math4All
#Math4All #math #classroomcommunity #alnmathtalk #buildingthinkingclassrooms
So appreciative of the retweet! #ALNMathTalk
RT @AnnEliseRecord
This weeks (and every) episode of @AllLearnersMath is a must listen conversation with @pgliljedahl. So many mic drop moments, but this was a favorite of mine. You can listen in here: http://hubs.li/Q01zHhft0 #Elemmathchat #iteachmath @NHTM1964
#iteachmath #ElemMathChat #alnmathtalk
📣 We are so excited to share our latest #ALNMathTalk podcast episode with @pgliljedahl.
We discuss Peter's book Building Thinking Classrooms and all things mathematics.
Check it out! https://hubs.li/Q01zHhft0
@SFU @CorwinPress @teedjvt @Dr_John_4_Math
📣 We are so excited to share our latest #ALNMathTalk podcast episode with @pgliljedahl.
We discuss Peter's book Building Thinking Classrooms and all things mathematics.
Check it out! https://hubs.ly/Q01zDCYd0
@SFU @CorwinPress @teedjvt @Dr_John_4_Math
Our latest #ALNMathTalk podcast episode is out. Listen to our conversation with @LieslMcConchie about #BrainBasedLearning and a whole lot of other topics!
#Math #Math4All #ITeachMath #MathTeacher #MathPodcast #MathEd #MathEdLeaders
#mathedleaders #mathed #mathpodcast #MathTeacher #iteachmath #Math4All #math #brainbasedlearning #alnmathtalk
Make sure to listen to our #ALNMathTalk podcast conversation with @robertkaplinsky
Our newest episode will be out soon!
#Math #Math4All #MathTeacher #MathPD #OpenMiddleMath
#openmiddlemath #mathpd #MathTeacher #Math4All #math #alnmathtalk
We are here to partner with, coach, & walk beside any and all educators who teach math.
✔️Join us! Come to one of our workshops (many are FREE), 🦻 to our #ALNMathTalk podcast, read our📕, or attend one of our conferences!
#Math #Math4All #MathTeacher #ITeachMath #MathEdLeaders
#mathedleaders #iteachmath #MathTeacher #Math4All #math #alnmathtalk