Es gibt die Idee die freie und quelloffene PaarShip-Alternative Alovoa (@Alo) ans ActivityPub-Protokoll anzuknüpfen.
There is an idea to link the free and open source PaarShip alternative Alovoa to the ActivityPub protocol.
:boost_ok: :replyOk:
#Alovoa #ActivityPub #FLOSS #FOSS #OpenSource #Followerpower
#alovoa #activitypub #floss #foss #opensource #followerpower
Es gibt eine Open Source Online Dating Plattform?
wieso hat das so lange gedauert? 🤗
Trivia: die App hängt jedoch wohl von einem Nicht-quelloffenen Netzwerkdienst ab
#dating #opensource #opensourcesoftware #android #app #fdroid #alovoa
#dating #opensource #opensourcesoftware #android #app #fdroid #alovoa
En F-Droid aparece #Alovoa como una especie de #Tinder de software libre. ¿Será la alternativa libre equiparable a las alternativas del fediverso?
#alovoa #tinder #fdroid #opensource #citas #gratis #donaciones #dating
Hi, auf der FOSS-Dating-Plattform Alovoa habe ich ein paar nette Menschen kennen gelernt, die aber alle Männer sind. Dabei bin ich auf beide Geschlechter aus. Schade, dass Frauen immer Angst vor Fremden haben müssen und das zurecht. Der Traum von einfachen spontanen Verabredungen in verschiedenen Geschlechterkonstellationen bleibt also vorerst ein Traum, dabei weiß ich, dass ich nicht alleine bin...
::: Linux & DATING - what!? - It's true though 💕
Free & open source dating platform ALOVOA is now on Flathub to download.
21k registered users already and rising - hearts are finding each other for a lasting AFK experience? :thinkhappy:
In the end of the day - the most Free Software Solution to a relationship is talking to the people around You.. ❗❓
=> https://flathub.org/apps/details/com.alovoa.alovoa-electron
#Linux #Love #dating #OpenSource #Alovoa #Flatpak #Flathub #relationships #meetup #FOSS #app #software #people # #singles #life #IRL
#irl #life #singles #people #software #app #foss #meetup #relationships #flathub #flatpak #alovoa #opensource #dating #love #linux
Alovoa now has over 21000 registered users!. If you're looking to meet new people, register an account at https://alovoa.com
#opensource #privacy #github #dating #love #foss #free #freesoftware #alovoa
#opensource #privacy #github #dating #love #foss #free #freesoftware #alovoa
Alovoa now has over 20000 registered users!. If you're looking to meet new people, register an account at https://alovoa.com
#opensource #privacy #github #dating #love #foss #free #freesoftware #alovoa
#opensource #privacy #github #dating #love #foss #free #freesoftware #alovoa
If anyone wants to chime in on the discussion of #gender options on #Alovoa (an open-source dating app) there's a discussion open on GitHub that I think would benefit from having a broader range of voices: https://github.com/Alovoa/alovoa/discussions/221
#gender #alovoa #opensource #dating #tech #lgbt #lgbtq
Poi arriva il Venerdì sera e scopri che è appena uscito un sito d'incontri open source, privacy friendly ecc. ecc. ed è la svolta per i single come me ahahah 🤣🤣🤣🍀
Si chiama "Alovoa" @alovoa_love e dopo soli 2 mesi hanno già fatto più di 15.000 utenti, io mi ci iscrivo per provarlo e voi? 😁😘
#Mastonews #Alovoa #appincontri #dating #badoo #veggly #meetic #tinder #bumble
#bumble #tinder #Meetic #veggly #Badoo #dating #appincontri #alovoa #mastonews
Da ich in letzter Zeit hier übers "Fedi-Dating" lese, bin ich zufällig über das hier gestolpert...
Eine Open-source dating platform...
auch hier im Fediverse vertreten alovoa_love@mastodon.social
...und mit einer App aus dem F-Droid Store.
Hat´s schon jemand getestet?
#opensource #privacy #github #dating #love #foss #free #freesoftware #alovoa
#alovoa #freesoftware #free #foss #love #dating #github #privacy #opensource
Le #Libre où on ne l’attendait pas (mais on aurait dû) : #Alovoa, un projet de #rencontres en ligne https://github.com/Alovoa/alovoa #dating
#libre #alovoa #rencontres #dating
Ho una dichiarazione da fare per #SanValentino: #ilovefs
La maggior parte dei programmi che uso ogni giorno sono software libero ed è soprattutto grazie alla @fsfe se ho scoperto che esiste l'alternativa
Parlando di San Valentino, amore e scopate, nell'ultima newsletter https://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/on-i-love-free-software-day-swipe-copy-left-on-dating-apps menzionano che è in sviluppo un software di incontri basato su software libero: #alovoa. Sta raccogliendo fondi per partire su https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/nonononoki/alovoa-the-private-dating-app-for-you
#alovoa #ilovefs #sanvalentino