When you’re already being paid $11k+ pw, plus allowances including free travel, food, 2 official residences … do you REALLY have to accept a $22,568 pa ($434 pw) pay rise when ordinary wage & salary workers are already doing it tough with rising rents, food, fuel …?
Obfuscation, obscuration, lack of accountability, lies … there’s practically no difference between the parties.
#Labor has ditched their base.
Hubris will do them in.
It is the great political leveller.
The #YaST Team is back! they been working on releasing a new version of #Agama (formally the D-installer). Exciting changes were made to Agama 3 with storage, target devices & more. Get more info about @opensuse & #ALP https://yast.opensuse.org/blog/2023-08-21/agama3
First Dog's on fire today. Seems to be channelling old-school lefties who recall when Labor was Labor.
#alp #nationalconference #firstdogonthemoon
Excellent video from #FriendlyJordies dismantling the notion that the #australiangreens care about housing and the environment, as well as adequately detailing the HAFF and its potential benefits to the country.
#FriendlyJordies #australiangreens #labor #alp #housing #auspol
#ALP continuing the #LNP job of funnelling the country’s wealth to private companies.
I’m not sure they have realised that people aren’t rusted on any more and when we see stupidity, graft or corruption we will be quick to vote elsewhere at the next election. They think it’s hard dealing with the cross bench now?
The Labor Party Conference will be in #Brisbane on 17 August, and several climate groups have gotten together to organise a protest.
WHEN: Thursday 17th August, 8.00-9.30am
WHERE: Main entrance to Brisbane Convention Centre (Glenelg and Merivale Streets)
BRING: All your clocks (especially ones with an alarm)! your placards and your mates.
#ClimateChange #Climate #ALP #AusPol #Australia #Meanjin #ClimateCrisis
#brisbane #climatechange #climate #alp #auspol #australia #meanjin #climatecrisis
#WalkAcrossTheAlps Day 3: Brusio - Miralago
We know the scenery on our way, but it's still stunning.
Alp da Buond, #Graubünden #switzerland
#alp #landscape #mountain #berge
#berge #mountain #landscape #alp #switzerland #graubunden #walkacrossthealps
Seems there's still a faint spark of decency buried somewhere within the ranks of the Australian Labor Party.
“We can’t keep telling people who are struggling that corporate super profits are off limits... everyday Australians were going backwards while senior executives celebrated exorbitant pay rises. People can only put up with gross inequality for so long" ~ National & ACT secretary CFMEU Zach Smith at the National Press Club.
#ALP #Labor #Inequality #Supertax #Housing #AusPol
#auspol #alp #labor #inequality #supertax #housing
#RonniSalt #auspo #Robodebt #ALP #KathrynCampbell
▶️ RonniSalt
Don't forget, Richard Marles (the deputy PM you have when you're not having a deputy PM) oversaw or approved the appointment of Kathryn Campbell to her specially invented position - or didn't object to it
Campbell was given refuge & protection by Marles
The Sec of the Defence Dept created a $900K job for his fellow departmental secretary and mate, Kathryn Campbell; a job that previously didn't exist.
The head of defence would not possibly have done that without the approval or head nod of his minister - Richard Marles.
All these people defending the Albanese govt: "They had to wait until the robodebt report was in."
Good grief. What?
Ms Campbell could have been given leave back then.
There were 100s of scenarios but no - Albo's PM&C and Marles's defence team pulled out the red carpet for her
Campbell started her climb to the top back in the day of Julia Gillard - and she clearly maintained her connections from back then too.
Wake up and smell the coffee here. The Albanese govt offered refuge and protection when they didn't have to, especially Richard Marles.
▶️ Nanine 😷 #VoteYes
My understanding was that it was complicated to get rid of her, due unlawful dismissal & contracts etc. They waited for the RC findings to hang something on her. Am I wrong?
▶️ RonniSalt
No, you're wrong
The Albanese govt marched two departmental secretaries out the door when it suited them - Phil Gaetjens & Simon Atkinson
There's nothing complicated or death defying about departure packages for senior public servants
Happens all the time when it suits them.
#ronnisalt #auspo #robodebt #alp #kathryncampbell #pffft #voteyes
Ich bin ziemlich geschafft... Die alpzeit, die uns entlasten soll, fordert uns alles ab. Ca jeden zweiten tag werden Risse an Schafen und Ziegen vermeldet. Diesen Frühsommer/Sommer hat "unser" Rudel 50 Nutztiere gerissen. Immer mehr auch in geschützten Situationen. Hab kürzlich gerechnet: für 20m Zaun, herdenschutzkonform, nach bestem gewissen brauchten wir 1-2 Stunden (etappenweise).
Das sind 600m Zaun. Und spätestens in 2 Wochen ist umzäunen angesagt.
#wolf #alp #schafe
All these people whinging about the the politians screwing them over with their #tax #refund and the fairness of the tax system… And yet, 99% of them will happily vote for the #Labor / #Liberal duopoly. Here’s an idea - if you *actually* want things to change, maybe vote for the next Prime Minister to be someone from a smaller party and kick the Liberal / Labor duopoly to the ground? | #ATO #AustralianTaxationOffice #taxrefunds #taxtime #therichgetricher #thepoorgetpoorer #ALP #LNP
#tax #refund #labor #liberal #ato #australiantaxationoffice #taxrefunds #taxtime #therichgetricher #thepoorgetpoorer #alp #lnp
I think you're reading too much into it.
All it means is that the #ALP didn't win the seat of #Fadden.
Remind me again why a progressive would vote for the Australian Labor Party.
Richard Ackland:
"So far the NSW Minns government has climbed into bed with the poker machine lobby, Star Casino, property developers and a police force which reserves the right to taser demented senior citizens at 4 am.
"At the same time, Minns and his ministers have sought to crack down on climate protesters. It’s as though Bob Askin is back running the show."
"At the ALP National Conference in Brisbane this August, the party’s human rights policy has been [castrated].
"Its 2021 platform principles -
drawn from Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights - embraced
fair trials, legal representation, right of appeal, inadmissibility of evidence obtained by coercion, presumption of innocence, courts open to the public, etc.
"The consultation draft for the forthcoming conference reveals that none of those motherhood
principles are included in the current platform.
"They have vanished."
Remember when Howard & Co successfully sabotaged a referendum, that they didn't want to have, instead of engaging in good-faith debate, and then shrugged and said: "We gave you your referendum and *you* messed it up. So sad, too bad."
I can't help wondering if #Albo isn't 'doing a Howard' right now.
My biggest issue? Wherefore referendum? The Government could create a Voice body tomorrow, by fiat.
Legislate. *BooM* There's your Voice. Job done.
Why this hazard? Why this legislative complexity? Why this likelihood of division to failure? My inn ... well, blatantly outer, cynic whispers:
"Maybe they want it to fail."
#albo #auspol #voice #alp #australia