Godfrey642 · @Godfrey642
247 followers · 2280 posts · Server aus.social

@llament Yes to most of the above but no to a blanket "cutting taxes". Jeez ppl are so thick about this.

Tax revenue into the treasury goes ultimately to pay for things like hospitals schools aged care workers and any workers in govt sector. Taxes can also be used punatively eg on FFuels to stop ppl using them (eg transition to renewables at the petrol pump) and for taxing big businesses that pollute rivers and land.

And most obviously in the country of "helping your national mates" taxes = supporting ppl doing it hard eg flood and bushfire victims. Without taxes none of that happens.

What treasury funds shouldn't be spent on is AUKUS, tax breaks for the already wealthy (Stage 3 tax cuts) and bailing out banks that act irresponsibly.

And more tax revenue needs to come from (a) the 1% who are ripping us all off and (b) the international corporations who operate on our turf but aren't paying us to do so.

#auspol #albocares #alparmsfetish #auspolitics

Last updated 1 year ago

Kent Parkstreet, Laird Doofus · @kentparkstreet
3582 followers · 3082 posts · Server aus.social

Australia is borrowing money to arm itself against a nation that is content to buy our resources because it’s cheaper and easier than invading a distant country.

We’re not only paying the US for these arms, we’re paying corporations in the US, UK and Hong Kong interest on the money we’re borrowing to buy them.

But we can’t pay an aged pension that supports a dignified retirement.

#auspol #alparmsfetish

Last updated 2 years ago